US: The Walking Dead Season 3 (contains spoilers)

First episode was very good, and very gory (more so than usual I felt), but one thing confusing a friend and myself, was Andrea being ill. Have we forgotten something from the last season or missed something in this seasons first episode?

I didn't understand that either - hopefully it is something they will go back into in a future episode, but it really didn't make any sense! There was nothing that I remembered from the end of season 2.

I do like the new zombies though (the armoured zombies)!
I wonder where this will go now...will they go down the brutal comic route? I know they say they won't, but they certainly seem prepared to push the boundaries.
This season started off well, but it has been so so slow since the mid season break. Season 2 was a disaster IMO and I can't see the show lasting much longer. Season 1 was absolutely brilliant, I just wish they could refresh the show like that. I know they are probably saving the best for the end of this season, but it is no good if most people have already switched off.

Bring on game of thrones I say.
What the hell was that?

So a whole season, where basically nothing happens with little to no ending. The governor is a very good character, so they decide to drag it out for another season!

It sure pulled in good ratings, but I bet most of those people won't bother with season 4.
I expect that when season 4 starts we'll see a new prison emerging, I imagine the gates will be sealed, and the prison fortified and also the prison cleared of any remaining zombies. Maybe they'll move to a different part or more some people into the tombs. I can't imagine everyone living in that one prison block.

Hopefully :)

Am I correct in thinking that this story is diverging from the comic books? Or are they just filling in a gap a little bit more that wasn't covered in the comic?
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