The Walking Dead thread

I'm really looking forward to Season 2, but in the meantime I convinced my girlfriend to give Season 1 a go and she's totally hooked!!

It's very interesting seeing someone else play and comparing their decisions to your own (and seeing some alternatives play out in the game)... Although I have to say it's made me hope even more there isn't ever a real zombie apocalypse :eek: she's a cold-blooded killing machine who trusts no-one :p
I had a crash on my OS drive and now I'm unable to retrieve my saves. They're a couple weeks older than the latest ones (Steam was on another drive) but it only shows an old save from EP 3. Apparently it's something to do with the pref file matching but I only have one under my documents. Not anywhere else, so I'm at a loss. Gutted, season 2 just round the corner :(
A Pretty awesome game, I got bored of the girls story though
once we got to the city..

The dlc is pretty awesome.
I liked how the character scenarios were so different from each other so it didn't start to get stale like the main game did.

I did the dlc twice and was disappointed how the choices don't really change the story a whole lot, I guess the series is the same

by ep5 I just wanted the normal series to be over
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Does anyone know how much the save game impacts the 2nd season?

I lost my save game for season 1 and can't really be bothered to play it again.

I'm sure if you Google around you should be able to find someone who has compiled a database of save files which cover the main combinations of choices from Season 1, so you can just pick one corresponding to the choices you made
Cannot wait for this!
Loved the first season, but brought it when they were all out as the season
Playing this by episode then having to wait till the next episode is released will be a killer
Need to finish a playthrough of the first season over the weekend, gotta get my choices how I want them to be :P

I wonder if whatsherface who you kick off the RV will make a show in S2.
So I have looked around the net for save game files to download but can't find any. I lost my original save game after playing 100% through it, Does anyone know of a save game site for the walking dead which may offer different saves based on choices? I'd like to get a save as close to my choices as possible.
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