Nice to see the dual core Pentium G3258 getting utterly annihilated, as a dual core should in this age 
Very nice to see the developers optimized this game for the AMD core module CPU's - solid performance across the board with an overclocked FX @ 5Ghz being within 10 FPS of Intel's best.
If more games had been developed like this, it could have been a major win for AMD, back when the original Bulldozer and then Piledriver were released.
Note they tested all these CPU's with both an NVIDIA 970 and an AMD 290. I didn't bother linking the 290x CPU benchmarks, as AMD GPU's are clearly running terribly in this game, whether that's because of 'Gameworks' I'm not sure, however that's an argument best suited for the GPU forum

Very nice to see the developers optimized this game for the AMD core module CPU's - solid performance across the board with an overclocked FX @ 5Ghz being within 10 FPS of Intel's best.
If more games had been developed like this, it could have been a major win for AMD, back when the original Bulldozer and then Piledriver were released.
Note they tested all these CPU's with both an NVIDIA 970 and an AMD 290. I didn't bother linking the 290x CPU benchmarks, as AMD GPU's are clearly running terribly in this game, whether that's because of 'Gameworks' I'm not sure, however that's an argument best suited for the GPU forum