The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

1 Feb 2009
Open world larger than Skyrim with quality of story and quests from The Witcher 1 and 2 ?
Hell YES.

A tip from TheSwede regarding fixing a sign usage

I have managed to solve this for myself on the PC. It now works! I can have puppet and delusion at the same time.

To fix this:

Navigate to your folder: C:\Users\<User Name>\Documents\The Witcher 3

Open the file "input.settings"

Find all the entries for "IK_Q=(Action=CastSignHold,State=Duration,IdleTime=0.2)"

Change the entry to have an IdleTime of 0.01. So after your change it should look like this:


There are multiple entries of this setting, so you will have to change them all.

I didn't test it with other signs as this is a universal change to all alternate sign modes. But I am just happy to be able to use puppet and delusion at the same time now. It was driving me crazy to have to choose between them.

Source: PC holding down Q to cast Axii Puppet does not work in combat
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Loved everything about the witcher2.

unfortunately i didnt know about the series until the witcher2 and find playing the witcher 1 too backwards.

Big hopes for this iteration though!
Witcher 2 got my into RPG games, I wasn't sure about witcher 2 but I purchased it, loved it but it ran awful on my old laptop, but my new laptop witcher 2 looks amazing, and plays even better...

Witcher 2 got me into Skyrim, and I got witcher and now consider 'true' rpg not like Mass Effect as a type of game I'd enjoy...

Witcher 3 - hell yes..!!
I loved both games, though I think Witcher 1 has the edge in terms of story and length - Witcher 2 felt just a bit too restrictive and it felt like the conclusion was rushed. Let's hope they take their time and do the job right.
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