The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

1 Feb 2009
Open world larger than Skyrim with quality of story and quests from The Witcher 1 and 2 ?
Hell YES.

A tip from TheSwede regarding fixing a sign usage

I have managed to solve this for myself on the PC. It now works! I can have puppet and delusion at the same time.

To fix this:

Navigate to your folder: C:\Users\<User Name>\Documents\The Witcher 3

Open the file "input.settings"

Find all the entries for "IK_Q=(Action=CastSignHold,State=Duration,IdleTime=0.2)"

Change the entry to have an IdleTime of 0.01. So after your change it should look like this:


There are multiple entries of this setting, so you will have to change them all.

I didn't test it with other signs as this is a universal change to all alternate sign modes. But I am just happy to be able to use puppet and delusion at the same time now. It was driving me crazy to have to choose between them.

Source: PC holding down Q to cast Axii Puppet does not work in combat
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Those screenshots are in the engine used for the old The Witcher 2 engine. When the Redengine 3 is complete it will look even better.

Even more importantly, people are seriously overestimating next gen consoles. Witcher 2 on high end PC already looks like next gen console game.
Cayran took me about 10 tries, but the feeling of achievement when it died was nice.
Super easy compared to some Dark Souls bosses though (orson/smough !).

Nonetheless, they already confirmed that NO bosses like that will be in Witcher 3. All enemies will be purely in gameplay, no QTEs and gimmicks.
It is killing me that 980 is so expensive. It costs 16000 CZK while 970 costs 9500 CZK.
The difference in performance is about 10-15%, yet difference in price is 50% ?

I think I should rather get two 970s than a single 980 and be much better off.

I want to play this game maxed at 60fps, 1080p, and I doubt my 280X or single 970 will provide that :(
I would really recommend getting this game from authorized seller, ideally GOG.

Getting it on cdkeys/kinguin and such, you have no idea where the game came from. It can be legit, it can be stolen (though still working).
Point is, if you care about actually giving your money to people who deserve it, GOG is the way to go.
By all means, support them on their own platform (gog), but high profile key sellers are just fine.

Well not that long ago there was a controversy with Ubisoft deactivating stolen keys obtained at kinguin and G2A.
They reactivated them to avoid customer backlash, but they were still stolen. You never know where the key came from on nonauthorized sellers.
I just think especially with game like this, CDP deserves to be supported.
Preorder of CE, Steam and GOG copy...

in place :cool:

I expect some very nice reviews today, especially looking forward to Kevin vanOrd's gamespot one, he is a good RPG guy.

Graphics looks stunning considering the scale and ambition no matter if some grass was tuned down.
Jesse Cox preview, probably the best one yet:

If anyone finds this poor looking, then I pity you.
Not to mention White Orchard (starting area) is supposedly the least impressive looking.

It probably will end up a great game, but how can anyone not be disappointed with the colour? The Witcher was all about gritty fantasy. It wasn't meant to be fable.

There are plenty of locations. Some will be beautiful and colorful, some will not.
Witcher 2 had plenty of color and was stunningly beautiful. Flotsam forest, those fields at military camp, the ravines and little forests around Vergen.
Boo hoo.
Well, you can pity me then, since I don't really find the video all that impressive. It lookes exactly the same as the others I've seen. The downgrade is blatantly obvious and it's brought a brilliant looking game to Inquisition level with artificial looking vegetation that strangely disappears when it gets in your way (I know, a gameplay preference, but it looks utterly daft). Honestly, the colour palette make me feel like I'm travelling the world after a hefty dose of LSD.

The differences between the previous footage and this are glaring, it's like the game's been stripped down of all the bells and whistles which made the atmosphere so great. They could've at least left the amazing skies and some of the filtering in. The animations also look clunkier than W2's.

I know I should be singing praises for the game's visuals but I just can't. It looks rather plain and cartoony and, try as I might, I just can't bring myself to like its presentation. I don't think it's anything to be pitied about. It's called personal preference. The point still stands: in comparison to all the imagery we've been spoonfed, the latest build looks like a load of pony.

Well, unless the PC version's ultra brings the graphics to the level of this screenshot, which I doubt it will:

Here, enjoy nice nondowngraded trailer:
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