I enjoyed it on the whole, some bits were overly silly/whimsical, but Cavill really helped bring the material together, Jaskier was a fun character and I thought the Yennefer actress was actually really good and not exactly hard on the eye...

Some of the effects were cool, and the set design and costume design was well done for 95% of it (Nilfgard armour and hedgehog aside)
Triss on the other hand... was frickin' awful. I seem to also be the only person who thinks the actress who plays Queen Calanthe(Johdi May) was atrocious as well.
It was just getting going as a series at episode 8 and it finished! Definitely needs a longer run as it seems pretty rushed and they could have fleshed things out further.
Hopefully take a lot of the criticisms on board for series 2. Looking forward to it