***The Worth Purchasing Getting Thread***

Independance War II is a space combat simulator type game, still one of the best uses of inertia, etc. in a game, first one was great too! Nexus: The Jupiter Incident is a sort of tactical strategy, you get a ship/s and can alter them, shields, weapons, etc. and use them to complete missions, some of which are very challanging. the game itself has a visually impressive engine and the control system is well worked as well. best thing is both can be had for next to nothing nowadays. :D
You should have Freespace 1 and 2 under Space Sims. Perhaps two of the best Space Sims ever made. Great graphics [best of their time] and fantastic stories.
Not sure if its been said but i reckon the Total Wars series of games needs to go in with the RTS's
Medieval Total war ((I + II) + Expansions)
Rome Total war (+ Expansions)
Shogun Total war
Empire Total war
Napoleon Total war

I have probably missed some out though,
Psychonauts (Adventure?) and System Shock 2 (Sci-Fi/Horror FPSRPG). Both still worth buying and playing through today.
Here's a quick list of additions/corrections :p

Roleplaying Games:

- If Fallout 3 has made the grade Fallout 1&2 should definately be on there.
- Neverwinter nights wasn't awful so yeah. NWN1? No no no. Crapfest.
- Morrowind!


- Grim Fandango
- Full Throttle
- Day of the Tentacle
- Sam & Max hit the road.
- Flight of the Amazon Queen
- Dreamfall (TLJ2)


- Silent Hill 2
- Realms of the Haunting


- Trackmania United

Online Shooters

- How is BFBC2 up there and BF2 isn't?
- Joint Ops: Typhoon Rising
- Planetside

Turn Based Strategy

- Colonization (The original)
- UFO: Enemy Unknown
- Jagged Alliance 2


- Dawn of War 1 and expansions
- How are HOI3 and Tropico in the Medieval RTS section. Neither are Medieval in setting and Tropico isn't an RTS! More to the point, where's Medieval Total War II?

Space Sim:

- Tie Fighter, X-wing and TF vs XW

Puzzle Games:

- Plants vs Zombies
- Peggle
- Puzzle Quest

Free Games:

- Dwarf Fortress
- N
- Soldat
- Notrium
- Clonk Endeavour
- Babylon 5: I've Found Her
- Sandbox of God
- Titans of Steel


- Sim City 4
- Dungeon Keeper 2
- Rollercoaster Tycoon 2
- Transport Tycoon (OpenTTD)

Probably more but that's a start :)
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I'm glad to see Call of Cthulha: Dark Corners of the Earth mentioned in this thread as I've been debating whether I should buy it or not for some months now lol.

Edit - a good game a lot of people often miss is a MOD for Half life 2 called "hidden source" where 1 person is a creature with a knife who has a near perfect predator style cloak, whilst the other players are on a team together as soldiers with weapons. Person who kills the "hidden" becomes it on the next round. Its amazingly atmospheric and generally superb fun.
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no take off hearts of iron III they are still sorting it, hearts of iron 2 oh screw it stick em both up there :D
Definitely atleast these titles

The Witcher
Orange Box
Starcraft 2
Age of Empires (II or III)
Call of Duty 4

I could have those and not play anything else. so much longevity.
i think to make this list the better 2 recomendation per game are now required to be put on the list.

i think this makes it fair annd increases the chance of the game being good.

hope you agree i will update the list after work tonight.
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