There should be a Gamer OS.

9 Jan 2005
I guessing there's a lot of people that only use their PC to Play games and go online and play online games. If there was an OS that beggered everthing off out the OS and just made the OS to deal with these three simple things the PC should pretty much own not having a power hungry OS eating up resourses before you even start a game. Why the hell has no OS like this by now? It would sell fantastic I think.

Also you may still want your XP or Vista so all you would need to do is make a partition so you could have your gamer OS on to.
I agree.

You can do a minimalistic install of XP cutting out a lot of junk but I always get that nagging feeling when running XP that the OS is actually holding back the game rather than helping it. :(

Imagine running games on a modern PC with a gaming OS installed, would be amazing!

Basically you would have Xbox 360 performance with all the usability/ modscene of a PC.

One day...................... :(
Nah with my I,Q the best I could do is draw Gamer OS on some paper and tape it to my Monitor. Then I could take a photo and show all my mate my new OS.
The only people who could make it work are..........MS. :(

I am sure that IF they wanted to make a gaming "edition" of Vista/ XP they could. I actually think it would sell too if it was made to be easily dual bootable.

Having launched the Xbox though, we have no chance of this ever happening. :(
Basically you would have Xbox 360 performance with all the usability/ modscene of a PC.

No, you'd have an xbox 360 - stripping away the OS leaves you with a gaming machine and no 'PC' functionality. The price you pay for multitasking etc is a bit of a performance hit when you fire up games, it's the way it'll always be!
Stellios said:
Suggest it to Google, they seem to have doen everything except an OS.

lol indeed it would seem that way, although they seem to be expanding maybe a little too quickly. oh well, they can cleary afford it hehe
.:MBK:. said:
lol indeed it would seem that way, although they seem to be expanding maybe a little too quickly. oh well, they can cleary afford it hehe
OT, but this is actually the magic of google - it's funded far less expansion than you would have thought. If you program for google you're allowed x amount of time each week to work on your own projects - most the stuff in the google labs are actually things that programmers have just thought up on their own. Yes they lose time, but it makes people more productive so it all evens out - except for they've got a new product at the end of it aswell.

WatchTower said:
Would you say the only thing that makes the Xbox 360 out perform meny PC is because it's not held back by a evil OS? :)
No, that's not it at all. Consoles are faster than PCs of the same spec because game developers can optimise a lot more when they only have one set of hardware to work on. Also I understand that they program the hardware directly rather than going through a driver layer like you have to do with Windows, where there are thousands of different hardware configurations etc.
Craig321 said:
All someone would need to do it make and OS that supported games, MS don't have to do that :)

Well you would also have to either get it to work like windows or get game developers to adopt it as a platform for their game, either way it seems unlikely to happen quickly if at all.
dirtydog said:
Also I understand that they program the hardware directly rather than going through a driver layer like you have to do with Windows.
no, programing for the 360 is just a modified version of Direct X9 with some Direct X10 additions.

fini said:
no, programing for the 360 is just a modified version of Direct X9 with some Direct X10 additions.


Erm, no it isn't. For a start DirectX only deals with the audio and visual side of gaming generation...

As a 360 programmer you have direct access to various parts of the hardware (processor registers, core allocation and the like) in a way you simply cannot have on a PC.

That's why they could strip out all the branch prediction and scheduling hardware from the processor ;)

You have a lot more control over things on the 360 (or indeed any console) than you can be allowed to have on a PC.

It's also why programming for the next gen consoles (to get the most out of them) is a total pig-bitch from hell.... it's like nothing else any games have ever been programmed on before.
I'm not convinced myself, one of the main selling points of a PC to gamers (over a console) is that you can do so much more with it than simply play games. Personally I probably wouldn't buy a copy of Windows Gaming Edition(TM) because I like to do a whole whole of other activities such as web browsing, email, download management, backing up data, watching movies, listening to music etc etc. The idea of having to boot up a different windows install to do those tasks is a bit of a non-starter really, especially as sometimes I'm multitasking.

Windows XP is reasonably configurable if you start using nlite to strip bits out, then shutdown services, use gpedit/regedit/tweakui etc. OK so it's not overly efficient as a gaming OS but it's not all that bad.

If all you want is a gaming platform, the best thing to do is buy an xbox360. You're getting a complete system plus OS all thrown in for a few hundred quid which is pretty good value for money.
I wouldn't buy another console out of principle as the games are way over priced. Also with every console I ever buy I find maybe two or three games I like then after a while I get bored and the console gathers dust. Where I never seem to get bored of my PC and say I maybe skint for a few weeks I can always find mmorpg betas to keep me going until I can aford a new game.

Another thing I like about my PC is how I can still play games that were around in the early 90s like Doom on a PC of today. No other format has a such a vast amount of games.

As a past console gamer getting a PC was my biggest dream as child I'll never go back to console. I tried with the PSP and well I don't even use that now.
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