There should be a Gamer OS.

It might make your precious games every so slightly slower on your beastly rigs, but programming games is so much easier for windows than it is for consoles, that I'm glad it's the way it is.
Weebull said:
It might make your precious games every so slightly slower on your beastly rigs, but programming games is so much easier for windows than it is for consoles, that I'm glad it's the way it is.
But it is possible to get more out of a consoles hardware. Although that's just because they have a fixed spec rather than because of the OS.
Oh don't get me wrong, consoles have their place, but I just think that the ease of programming PC games is such a great bonus, and gives a useful platform for so many smaller developers, that I think it's ridiculous to want to get rid of that just to gain an extra 5-10fps (if that) in some top-notch eye-candy blockbuster. :)
Weebull said:
Oh don't get me wrong, consoles have their place, but I just think that the ease of programming PC games is such a great bonus, and gives a useful platform for so many smaller developers, that I think it's ridiculous to want to get rid of that just to gain an extra 5-10fps (if that) in some top-notch eye-candy blockbuster. :)
I agree. I think the small performance hit XP has is worth it for the ease of going into a game, coming out, browsing the web, going into another game, etc.
How about a simple button in vista that disables all unnesscary processes that don't need to be performed while gaming, a game mode of sorts.

Its a better idea no reboots required, it just stops all the processes that arn't needed when gaming. :D

Problem Solved :D
james.miller said:
windows uses very little resources anyway when your gaming. hell im sitting here right now and my cpu usage is spiking to an unbelievable....4%. ram is the only thing that windows can really eat up while your gaming, but most of us have plenty of ram anyway.

Personally, i see no point in it.

Just buy a console if that's what you want, would be far cheaper than a PC with a Gaming OS.

The thing we should really be demanding is PC type games and hardware for Consoles. If I could play a FPS on a 360 with a mouse and keyboard, hell, I'd go buy one and just have a £200 PC to check my email and download crap.

But Microsoft want you to buy PCs and Consoles, have both, so they tend not to encourage such stuff.
Would a 'gamer' os even stop everyone from buying the latest graphics cards and cpu?

After 6 months or so, hardware development would catch up with the 10-15% (made up numbers) increase that a stripped down gamer os would give, and we would have to start buying new hardware again to stay at the top of the loop..
jim5000 said:
Would a 'gamer' os even stop everyone from buying the latest graphics cards and cpu?
No of course not. But I think the point people are making is that we'd be able to get more for our money because we would be getting more out of our hardware.

But tbh I don't think there's a significant amount of stuff that could be removed without breaking compatibility with games. I guess maybe it could shut down the explorer shell while in a game, but really all that would do is free up a little memory.
i was thinking of Gaming OSes the other day, and the possibility of them...

a thought crossed my mind that we will have entirely gaming dedicated machines soon as well... i don't mean something like an AMD x2 with a 7900GTX thats marketed as a gaming machine... just every part is meant for games and nothing else.

physics cards, graphics cards, sound cards, iRam (or whatever better is down the road) for storage and a CPU entirely optimised for games...

probably cost an arm and a leg though... but i still think its only a matter of time.

Gaming CPU's would be a hit, if the gaming community would foot the bill just for a gaming PC... and i dont think there is that many gaming pc's around (surely most people do other work on them too that would benefit from a regular CPU)...

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