thinking about getting some Mushkin

25 Mar 2004
What's the best stuff to go for?

I want to run my mem at higher FSB's without a divider, i'm currently using my OCZ LL 3200 on a 333mhz divider so that I can run my FSB at 240 but keep my RAM at 200mhz. But ideally I want to water cool my chip/gfx and run my cpu at 2.7/2.8ghz which would need 270/280FSB,

Is there any RAM about that can do these sort of timings?

Looking primarily at the mushkin redline stuff I think, looks like good mem :)

p.s 2GB is a must.
Yup, the Mushkin Redlines have some nice tight timings, so if you need to run at faster bus frequencies than the specified 250, you can just relax those timings a little and easily get 270, 280, and sometimes higher.
whats the difference between the:

Mushkin 2GB DDR XP4000 Redline Extreme Performance Dual Channel Kit (2x1GB)

and the:

Mushkin 2GB DDR XP4000 Extreme Performance Dual Channel Kit (2x1GB) CAS3 (991483) (MY-000-MK)

bit of a price difference there :)

I don't mind paying top dollar for something worthwhile though, hopefully the redline will be just the mem for me.

Timings. ^^^

Save your money though and get the OCZ PC4000EB over the Mushkin Redline XP4000 as they are exactly the same sticks but about £30 separates them.
Buying memory is like buying processors, you never know what speed you can run them at until you try. The higher priced memory has just been pretested for you in advance. Of course though, manufacturers who sell the memory guaranteed for different speeds are unlikely to sell memory capable of 300mhz+ as 3200 unless they are snowed under with the stuff.
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