Thinking about overclocking

7 Nov 2010
Thinking about overclocking (Updated with 1st attempt results)

Hi there

Just upgraded to an i7 950, giga x58a UD3R, and 6g Corsair XMS3 6GB 3x2g and Asus GeForce GTX 460 Direct CU TOP 768MB GDDR5 PCI-Express Graphics Card. The PSU is an Antec Truepower Quattro in a NZXT Phantom case with the stock fans (one top, one rear, 2 side). CPU cooler is the stock fan.

I downloaded easytune 6, but I'ma little nerous just pressing a big old red button and hoping!

I've read the stickies here, but it all seems a little daunting. Is Easytune a good option? I noticed a similar bundle using my components sold clocked at 4g, but ET6 red button is 3.6.

Thanks in advance.
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Hi, thanks for the reply.

I've decided to go for a Noctua NH-D14, as I've seen some pretty impressive reviews.

I can't really justify the watercooling option cost wise.

I think I'll end up trying the easytune 6 route once I have the coller, as I really can't find any guide to overclocking that puts it in terms I can easily grasp. Which is a shame, becuase I really fancied the 4g route, especially as this setup is sold at 4g on OCUK.
Thanks for your replies. Not sure how much of this is relevant, but my current settings are below. I ordered the new cooler which will be here tomorrow.





ok, following on from those default settings...the new cooler arrived today (Noctua NH D14).

My temps ar default settings were about 29-31 deg idle and about 37-41 after running a hi res game for a while.

So....I took the plunge and pressed the big red button on Easytune 6.

After running P95 for a while, it showed that my cpu reached 69-75 deg max during testing, and idles at about 34-37.

CPUZ shows the below info....did this work ok? In theory this should now be running at 3.68.

How would I go about hitting 4g?


hmm, also, am I right when reading cpuz? It seems to say my cpu is only running at 1.9?

edited to day: I amswered my own question there. I had to put load on the cpu to see the real value.

I'd certainly appreciate any settings/values to overclock this sytem to 4g
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Ok, after looking at advice from here and elsewhere I had a go in the bios.
Went with the 20*200 which took my ram to 1600. left all other settings on auto, and left the ampage at 700a
I would appreciate your thoughts. Here is the coretemp etc after 15 mins of P95..(the clock showed 4g under load but now reduced while idle)
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Hi 1Day. Yes, I was expecting a slightly lower temp myself. It's my first oc attempt, so I'm flying by the seat of my pants. Here are my current bios settings. Any suggestion how to lower temp/voltages would be appreciated.




I think so too. I just ran another p95 and the ambient temp is lower today. The highest temp reached was 78 deg.

So, I guess if it ain't broke, don't fix it?

I'm really not confident with voltages etc. The only thing I did today was raise the Mv to 800 from 700 as I read this is advised.
Hi, yashiro.

I tried the settings you suggested.
First it refused to boot, then on 2nd attempt it said my clock was running at 266 due to overclock failure, so I put it back to what I had.
Not sure what happened there.
Ok, had another mess tonight..staretd with a voltage of 1.29 and worked up..this result was setting vcore at 1.32* (*=something).
Ran p95 for about 31 minutes. I didn't change any other settings other than vcore, as I didn't understand them
Noticed in CPUz that the voltage drops to 1.296 occasionally flicking to 1.312 (maybe it's some powersaving thing I'm missing?)
Still ran stable and slightly cooler. Any thoughts?
Ok, update time.

I've been running the setting I last mentioned since the last post, with great stability and temps. The only time I occasionally BSOD is when closing Cubase 5, so I'm guessing that's more app related than OC related.

The only other thing I changed was I enabled LLC at level 2.

So, my vcore is set at 1.32* but everything else is on auto.

Can anyone clarify the pll/qpi etc, as I can't really get my head around the purpose of them.

Also, should XMP be enabled? I have had it disabled all along.

And one more there a benefit to setting the memory voltage and timings myself?
If so, what should I try these at?

Thanks for all your help so far, and thanks in advance for any advice that helps me with those final tweaks!
Thanks Dan, I'll try lowering the qpi vtt to 1.355 and see if it's still stable.

Just had a quick look in the bios, with the memory set to auto, it sets it at 1600, but when I check the individual timings, it shows 8 8 8 20? surely this should be 9 9 9 24?
I set the multi to 8 and that seems to have picked up the correct timings of 9 9 9 24..

before I set the vtt, one the bios once I get to the voltages you suggested 1.35 etc..the numbers are in this a warning of too high voltages?
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