Thinking about overclocking

Hi, yashiro.

I tried the settings you suggested.
First it refused to boot, then on 2nd attempt it said my clock was running at 266 due to overclock failure, so I put it back to what I had.
Not sure what happened there.
lol why odd? No two CPU's are the same and no two CPU's have the same voltage settings. Sure they can be pretty close but I have found that CPU's are like people - no two are exactly the same.

Rule of thumb mate - don't fix if it ain't broke. :)
Ok, had another mess tonight..staretd with a voltage of 1.29 and worked up..this result was setting vcore at 1.32* (*=something).
Ran p95 for about 31 minutes. I didn't change any other settings other than vcore, as I didn't understand them
Noticed in CPUz that the voltage drops to 1.296 occasionally flicking to 1.312 (maybe it's some powersaving thing I'm missing?)
Still ran stable and slightly cooler. Any thoughts?
I meant It's odd that a new 950 would need what seems like 1.3V just to boot.

If it's stable and cooler then all is good. Voltages drop under load, it's normal. It drops less with Load Line Calibration enabled.
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I meant It's odd that a new 950 would need what seems like 1.3V just to boot.

If it's stable and cooler then all is good. Voltages drop under load, it's normal. It drops less with Load Line Calibration enabled.

Ah sorry mate misunderstood. :)

950's do seem to like 1.3 and small change for 4GHz over-clocks I have noticed with the builds I do here for mates. No idea why that is when so many of the 920 builds that were done were happy with quite a bit less.:confused:
Ok, update time.

I've been running the setting I last mentioned since the last post, with great stability and temps. The only time I occasionally BSOD is when closing Cubase 5, so I'm guessing that's more app related than OC related.

The only other thing I changed was I enabled LLC at level 2.

So, my vcore is set at 1.32* but everything else is on auto.

Can anyone clarify the pll/qpi etc, as I can't really get my head around the purpose of them.

Also, should XMP be enabled? I have had it disabled all along.

And one more there a benefit to setting the memory voltage and timings myself?
If so, what should I try these at?

Thanks for all your help so far, and thanks in advance for any advice that helps me with those final tweaks!
I've been messing with my new rig that is similar to yours but you have splashed out on a better cooler :)

The best thing to see what volts your auto settings have chosen is to run the gigabyte easytune program, goto the tuner tab then the voltage tab. I wouldn't bother using this for overclocking, you can't beat using the bios but it does tell you what it is running at.

You can then see if some are set too high or low and tweak the settings from auto to a better manual setting in the bios.
The auto settings are putting the vtt up way high, iirc <1.4v is more than enough usually, I've used around 1.3v-1.355v for 4-4.2GHz so I would set that to manual in the bios. The rest look about right but the IOH should be fine at normal-1.3v if it isn't stable.

For the memory you are running at the rated speed (if its 1600MHz xms3 like mine) so it will make little difference in everyday usage, I had them at auto and it picked up the rated timings 9-9-9-24-etc

Is it stable at the moment? looks alright for 24/7 usage if it is :) I would lower the vtt though.
Thanks Dan, I'll try lowering the qpi vtt to 1.355 and see if it's still stable.

Just had a quick look in the bios, with the memory set to auto, it sets it at 1600, but when I check the individual timings, it shows 8 8 8 20? surely this should be 9 9 9 24?
No probs, it should still be stable and save any parts getting damaged. If the auto is slecting 8multi on the mem it will be running at the rated speeds with a bclk of 200 so I don't see why it isn't setting the timings on auto to 9-9-9-24 like mine did. Try changing the mem multi from auto to 8multi and maybe it will pick the right timings? if not you can set them all manually but you shouldn't need to.
I set the multi to 8 and that seems to have picked up the correct timings of 9 9 9 24..

before I set the vtt, one the bios once I get to the voltages you suggested 1.35 etc..the numbers are in this a warning of too high voltages?
Memory seems to have sorted itself out, if it's blue screening with only the vtt set lower then you chip may need a bit more to be stable. 1.355v is the first option in pink meaning not recommended but not unsafe. I wouldn't worry about that if it was choosing 1.535v on auto, that is in red and I would say is unsafe for anything other than messing about. Try a little higher at 1.36-1.4v, if you only changed the vtt to a lower value meeting in the middle form the auto setting should be more than enough for 4GHz stable.
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