Thinking of buying another Seagate Barracuda 7200.10 320GB for raid0

29 Nov 2006
The Mo0n
Never used raid before but I've seen from a couple of thread's it yield's great results!
Couple of questions...
I was told in another thread that my mobo (DS3) Limited the read speed to 120MB/sec, I searched google for about a hour but could find no mention of this.

How much of a proformance gain can i expect from boot times and games loading up in raid0?I mean will i get double or close to double the game loading speed.

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I like to know this too. I have a 320gb 7200.10 seagate for about 6 months now, today i received delivery of 2 more. I was thinking of using 2 in raid 0 and having the other as a seperate storage drive.
there are a few factors you have to think about!

1. depending on the strip size - large files benefit from this most as you have more strips of the same file. however files like window files generally have smaller files than the strip size so there is no difference)

2. make sure the drives are identical otherwise you will see reduced performance and/or smaller total capacity

3. if you are going to raid you need to re install windows with the controller drivers. so backup everything first (enabling raid0 will delete your data when you set it up)
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