Thinking of buying wow

22 Oct 2004
If im going to buy it ill buy it on saturday so at the moment im just trying to find out from you guys on what i should do heres some questions:

Should i buy the game, i work about 40 hours a week so on my work days ill be putting about 2-3 hours into it but on my off days i can do say 1-6 really. Is that enough time to put into a game like this.

Im thinking of either being a dwarf or a orc, im not sure which one though is it worth having 2 charcters. And which class would you recommend for these two, im thinking warrior, but if i do have 2 characters i would want one to be a different class.

What proffesions should a warrior keep too.

Im not sure on the server i want to go on, im leaning towards the "normal" as then i can concentrate on questing and not get ganked. And if i want to pvp i can go and on that when i want and still have a choice.

Judging from the amount of time that i could put in which ive mentioned above. Do you wreckon i could reach the the lvl 60 cap before burning crusade is out.

Does WOW accept direct debit

I think thats all i need to know but if theres anything else i should know plz mention.
Sounds like the situation i was in when i played WoW. I was fine until the high end levels 50+, then missions needed hours at a time, instances became impossible because i didn't have 5+ hours to grind through the high level ones.

I eventually got bored and gave up. Although i thought it was an awesome game until that point, and would still recomment getting it.
bakes0310 said:
If im going to buy it ill buy it on saturday so at the moment im just trying to find out from you guys on what i should do heres some questions:

Should i buy the game, i work about 40 hours a week so on my work days ill be putting about 2-3 hours into it but on my off days i can do say 1-6 really. Is that enough time to put into a game like this.

Im thinking of either being a dwarf or a orc, im not sure which one though is it worth having 2 charcters. And which class would you recommend for these two, im thinking warrior, but if i do have 2 characters i would want one to be a different class.

What proffesions should a warrior keep too.

Im not sure on the server i want to go on, im leaning towards the "normal" as then i can concentrate on questing and not get ganked. And if i want to pvp i can go and on that when i want and still have a choice.

Judging from the amount of time that i could put in which ive mentioned above. Do you wreckon i could reach the the lvl 60 cap before burning crusade is out.

Does WOW accept direct debit

I think thats all i need to know but if theres anything else i should know plz mention.

ive just ordered the game now so no going back, so lets see some om questions answered plz :)
after thinking for a while longer ive now made different choices on what character to be:
Dwarf warrior- i just love dwarfs for some reason and i like the look of the homecity and its winter surroundings.
gnome warrior- they remind me of hobbits and i thought it would be cool to be a little guy against the whole world, it makes it sound more epic.
undead- im not sure which class but its got to be a magic casting class that deals lots of damage.
You can progress well with the amount of hours you will be putting in. At lvl60, as has already been mentioned, you will struggle to find things to do that don't take 3 hours+ to do, but by then there may be a bit more content added.

Bear in mind that the amount of Alliance players usually far exceeds the amount of Horde players on a server. From the point of view of going to the PvP Battlegrounds this means you will need to queue longer to get in them. As you only have limited play time you should think about that.

As a rough guide, if you don't 'power level' then you should get to level 60 around 10 to 14 days played (240 hours to 336 hours). So it will probably take you 4 to 6 months based on the hours you play, although it depends entirely how you spend your time playing.
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Plebo said:
You can progress well with the amount of hours you will be putting in. At lvl60, as has already been mentioned, you will struggle to find things to do that don't take 3 hours+ to do, but by then there may be a bit more content added.

Bear in mind that the amount of Alliance players usually far exceeds the amount of Horde players on a server. From the point of view of going to the PvP Battlegrounds this means you will need to queue longer to get in them. As you only have limited play time you should think about that.

As a rough guide, if you don't 'power level' then you should get to level 60 around 10 to 14 days played (240 hours to 336 hours). So it will probably take you 4 to 6 months based on the hours you play, although it depends entirely how you spend your time playing.

cheers for reply i think the way ill be playing is doing a lot of quest and instances if i can get into them. I do like grinding a bit but wont go over the top with it. I dought ill be doing any pvp so im not worried about being alliance.
bakes0310 said:
. I dought ill be doing any pvp so im not worried about being alliance.

The PvP battlegrounds can be good fun and you get both XP and Item rewards for doing them and gaining rank. To get the really good rewards you'll need to spend nearly all of your play time in them, but you may find you play them more than you think you would.
I started off pretty much the same as you. I used to play evenings 9-11ish (2-3 hours) and a bit more at weekends. I haven't played for over 2 months now. The big end game instances require serious effort and time. The smaller instances can generally be done in 1-3 hours depending how good the group is.

The game was great till high 50's / 60 and then it was just annoying trying to get hunts to small instances etc. You need to find a good balance with people you play with rather than the hardcore players who are either after rankings or have done xxx instance so many times they just cannot be bothered helping you get some semi decent kit.

I started a warrior and found it DULL DULL DULL :) I have a lvl 40 priest, lvl 60 mage and a lvl 27 druid. If I could start fresh now I'd start a druid or shaman. Druid is cool he can tank and batter mobs, heal and also has some spells.

Main thing I'd advise is to find a good guild. It makes the game tbh.

Good luck anyways - hope you don't end up queuing too much :P
I too started as a Warrior and I also had my playing times in mind. The game is so adictive those times soon went out of the window. Bring on the late nights and horrible mornings.

I started as a Human Warrior. Recently got to level 60.
Warrior's are anything but boring to play. You have a vast amount of attacking options and when it comes to instances you are one of the most important roles in any group.

You can't heal yourself so I'd advise you take herbilism and Alchamy. This allows you to collect the herbs and make potions.

Don't be told a Paladin is a Warrior who can heal. They may wear the same armor, but they cannot atack or defend like a warrior. They do survive well though

You have 2 main stances. Not mentioning the 3rd for higher crit hits.
- Battle Stance for dishing the damage
- Defensive stanse for taking damage

Like many of the classes in WOW there is 2 roles to play. When playing solo your Warrior will be dishing out damage to the max. Same applies for group work and early instances, however from the instances at around level 35-40 you'll be expected to play the role of the defensive warrior. in other words Tanking.

I find tanking a pleasure to play. on a 5 man instance you will be leading the group. You will pull the mobs and agro them. they will beat on you and your only job is to keep them beating on you. a healer will heal you whilst a Mage, Rogue, hunter or perhaps another Warrior (if 2 in group) will do the damage.

Come end game you will need to respec to get the invites for instances. in other words you will need to focus talent points into your defensive stance, but the same applies for most classes. Especially those in demand. eg.. Whilst a priest can deal damage generaly your only wanted for healing.
Obviously amongst friends this might not be the case.

I've played a priest to level 28 and it was not a touch on the excitment of playing a Warrior. the shadow spells can be cool, but when grouped I was just expected to heal, heal and heal again.
I've also played a Mage to level 25 and whilst I could deal damage I did miss swinging the big 2 hander. I guess I'm melee through and through, however I'm now playing a Hunter for a change, but guess what? I still get to carry a big 2 handed axe. I only use it for the finishing touch though.

If you have any questions on the Warrior class or those professions fire away and I'll answer best I can
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I keep wondering if it is worth buying and paying subscription.

I probably will only have 2ish hours a night, 2 or 3 nights a week and possibly 3 hours on a Sunday.

Can you dip in and out like this and still get anywhere? As I have limited time, I probably won't have time to wait for groups, so solo is the way I would play (tbh the way I prefer as well!)


RumbleBee said:
I too started as a Warrior and I also had my playing times in mind. The game is so adictive those times soon went out of the window. Bring on the late nights and horrible mornings.

I started as a Human Warrior. Recently got to level 60.
Warrior's are anything but boring to play. You have a vast amount of attacking options and when it comes to instances you are one of the most important roles in any group.

You can't heal yourself so I'd advise you take herbilism and Alchamy. This allows you to collect the herbs and make potions.

Don't be told a Paladin is a Warrior who can heal. They may wear the same armor, but they cannot atack or defend like a warrior. They do survive well though

You have 2 main stances. Not mentioning the 3rd for higher crit hits.
- Battle Stance for dishing the damage
- Defensive stanse for taking damage

Like many of the classes in WOW there is 2 roles to play. When playing solo your Warrior will be dishing out damage to the max. Same applies for group work and early instances, however from the instances at around level 35-40 you'll be expected to play the role of the defensive warrior. in other words Tanking.

I find tanking a pleasure to play. on a 5 man instance you will be leading the group. You will pull the mobs and agro them. they will beat on you and your only job is to keep them beating on you. a healer will heal you whilst a Mage, Rogue, hunter or perhaps another Warrior (if 2 in group) will do the damage.

Come end game you will need to respec to get the invites for instances. in other words you will need to focus talent points into your defensive stance, but the same applies for most classes. Especially those in demand. eg.. Whilst a priest can deal damage generaly your only wanted for healing.
Obviously amongst friends this might not be the case.

I've played a priest to level 28 and it was not a touch on the excitment of playing a Warrior. the shadow spells can be cool, but when grouped I was just expected to heal, heal and heal again.
I've also played a Mage to level 25 and whilst I could deal damage I did miss swinging the big 2 hander. I guess I'm melee through and through, however I'm now playing a Hunter for a change, but guess what? I still get to carry a big 2 handed axe. I only use it for the finishing touch though.

If you have any questions on the Warrior class or those professions fire away and I'll answer best I can

cheers for reply

So far ive been playing for about an hour and im really enjoying being a dwarf warrior ive done some quest which so far is very easy, but fun.
What i would like to know is:
what armour class should i stick too cause ive been kepping to cloth cause i thought it would make me attack and move quicker.
when you do a quest is there a arrow that points to where you got to go like in guild wars.
bakes0310 said:
What i would like to know is:
what armour class should i stick too cause ive been kepping to cloth cause i thought it would make me attack and move quicker.
when you do a quest is there a arrow that points to where you got to go like in guild wars.

You should wear the best armour that you can...I think its Chain for a low level doesn't make any difference to speed in any way.

No, there are no arrows to show you where to go. The quest descriptions usually give you a hint, and there are plenty of places on the web for help if you get stuck on a quest.

btw, you the game allows you to use User Interface mods so its worth looking them up. They can make your life a lot easier.
bakes0310 said:
what armour class should i stick too cause ive been kepping to cloth cause i thought it would make me attack and move quicker.
when you do a quest is there a arrow that points to where you got to go like in guild wars.

You should always wear the best armour you can wear for your class. As you're a Warrior your choice of armour from level 1-40 is Mail armour. From about level 8 or 9 there is no reason why you should be wearing anything else. For all quest rewards choose Mail armour over other armour. When looting a corpse check the armour numbers against what you're wearing or any stat bonuses. eg... 1 Agility, 2 Stamina

Armour is everything to a Warrior. you will die far more easily wearing cloth or leather, however when it comes to your back cloth is the only option.

Regarding quests the decription will generally say something like 'to the north east' or 'south of here'. thats pretty much your only guidance. Press M for map and look at where you are and head in the direction suggested. Exploring is a big part of this game for a new player. Enjoy it.

If you get a quest to go see an NPC, or you complete a quest and need to find the original quest giver a yellow marker will appear on your minimap when you get within a certain range.

When you get to the main city (a quest will take you there), you can ask guards for directions to get your professions. Make sure you take the first aid, cooking and fishin professions, besides the 2 of your choice. Also get directions for the Weapons Master. They will teach you how to holder 2 handed swords, axes and maces. These kind of weapons are what make you a damage dealing warrior.

I've not played guild wars.
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RumbleBee said:
You should always wear the best armour you can wear for your class. As you're a Warrior your choice of armour from level 1-40 is Mail armour. From about level 8 or 9 there is no reason why you should be wearing anything else. for all quest rewards choose the Mail armour. As for loot check the armour numbers against what you're wearing or any stat bonuses. eg... 1 Agility, 2 Stamina

Armour is everything to a Warrior. you will die far more easily wearing cloth or leather, however when it comes to your back cloth is the only option.

Regarding quests the decription will generally say something like 'to the north east' or 'south of here'. thats pretty much your only guidance. Press M for map and look at where you are and head in the direction suggested. Exploring is a big part of this game for a new player. Enjoy it.

If you get a quest to go see an NPC, or you complete a quest and need to find the original quest give a yellow marker will appear on your minimap when you get within a certain range.

When you get to the main city (a quest will take you there), you can ask guards for directions to get your professions. As a Warrior make sure you take the first aid profession.

Sorry not played guild wars.

well ill rember next time
from playing this game since about 12:00 ive done about 6-7 quest been in 3 pvp one on one fights only won 1.
so far really enjoying this game but i think ill play a bit more tonight.
Im currently level 6 dwarf warrior.
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