Thinking of getting a fan controller..need some advice :)

24 Mar 2010
Since I am going to be going with a 600T SE or 500R from Corsair, I was probably going to have a lot of fans in either option.

At least 7 in each Ideally I would be looking for a fan controller that does a better job than the inbuilt fan controller for these cases. (Most of the fans will be 120mm GT's with 1 CM 200mm).

I have not got the foggiest on what makes a decent fan controller or not since this is really the first time I have even though about getting 1. Any1 have any suggestions/recomendations on which would be a good controller to look at?

any particular reason you want that many fans ?

Partially because both cases either seem to have issues in regards to stock cooling/noise and partially because I am going to be running 2 GFX cards in the case when the next gen cards are out shortly.

It wont be an immediate purchase, but something I will be looking for in a cpl months or so and just wanted to know what people are recommending thru personal use is all :)
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