Thinking of getting some Sennheiser HD485s

Hi again,

After doing some more research, I'm still unsure which headphones to go for, and my choice has just widened...

I was intending to get circumaural headphones, but having briefly tried a set of supra-aural Sennheiser HD 25s I'm not so sure... or in other words, I'm considering both types.

I was also not worried about whether they were open or closed - and quite liked the thought of the more "airy" sound of open headphones. However, I'm not so sure now - I don't want to be disturbing everyone around me (e.g. at home, when I'm at my computer and my family's watching the TV in my room) - so maybe I would prefer semi-open/closed headphones.

Just how open are the 485s and 555s?

So... any more suggestions? I'm looking for clarity and evenness of tone over bass "punch", but still like some depth to the bass... My budget's around £55, and I'll most likely buy them online - but not from the bay.

Hi again,

After doing some more research, I'm still unsure which headphones to go for, and my choice has just widened...

I was intending to get circumaural headphones, but having briefly tried a set of supra-aural Sennheiser HD 25s I'm not so sure... or in other words, I'm considering both types.

I was also not worried about whether they were open or closed - and quite liked the thought of the more "airy" sound of open headphones. However, I'm not so sure now - I don't want to be disturbing everyone around me (e.g. at home, when I'm at my computer and my family's watching the TV in my room) - so maybe I would prefer semi-open/closed headphones.

Just how open are the 485s and 555s?

So... any more suggestions? I'm looking for clarity and evenness of tone over bass "punch", but still like some depth to the bass... My budget's around £55, and I'll most likely buy them online - but not from the bay.


Hi there,

The Sennheiser HD25s are highly rated amongst audiophiles. Some rate them more highly than the HD650s which cost twice as much and are top of the Sennheiser range. The reason I mention this is that it is very unlikely that you'll get as good quality sound from the 485s or 555s

I have the HD650s that I use through a decent headphone amp. If I were looking for a reasonable light portable set of cans, I'd go for the HD25s. Although they seem to be beyond your current budget you might consider them a long term investment, as like many other good headphones their sound improves with their age.

Enjoy whatever you choose.:)
Hi again,

I was also not worried about whether they were open or closed - and quite liked the thought of the more "airy" sound of open headphones. However, I'm not so sure now - I don't want to be disturbing everyone around me (e.g. at home, when I'm at my computer and my family's watching the TV in my room) - so maybe I would prefer semi-open/closed headphones.

Just how open are the 485s and 555s?

I got my HD555s for Christmas, and I have to say I really like them. Everything sounds a whole lot better, especially some of the classical stuff I listen to. The detail is amazing.

However, they do leak a lot of sound. If you don't want everyone else listening in it'd probably be better to look for something else.
Some Sennheiser have a detachable cable (two prong into little holes) however it's only used to make it easy for the end user to replace it. The contacts aren't very durable so don't remove it any more than you have to.

I found the two prong/wire coil system a bit rubbish, mates pair signal breaks up. Good idea in theory, not in practise.

Hi-Fi pair are Grado RS-1's, end user can't replace the cable however it's much more durable than Sennheiser's.

The quality of the cables may be OK on Grados and there are many fans of these 'phones, but Grados quality control is very poor. Browse and read how the frames fall out of the cans, the badly glued and finished assembly. Added to this it would be difficult to find a more uncomfortable set of 'phones. I've owned two pairs of Grados which actually hurt to wear. Rather like strapping two bricks to your ears.

Your comments on the Sennheisers are also rather doubtful. Their build quality is far superior to that of Grados. I've owned three pairs of Sennheisers and all have been excellent.

Some people love Grado 'phones despite their problems. People tend to buy Grados for their the particular sound signature, but few informed buyers would choose them for their build quality.

My main 'phones are a set of HD650s and I use a Graham Slee Solo headphone amplifier. For comfort they can't be beaten but for me their bass is over prominent and their sound more suitable to classical rather than pop or rock. However, I would have thought that the 485s or any of the lower impedence range of Sennheisers would suit Mr Brasted very well indeed.
Your comments on the Sennheisers are also rather doubtful. Their build quality is far superior to that of Grados. I've owned three pairs of Sennheisers and all have been excellent.

Agreed - I own a few pairs of Senns and a pair of Grado's, and the Senn build quality seems better than Grado (with my headphones at least).
Sennheiser headphones have long since been a no-brainer within the proper hi-fi community unless you've got hundreds and hundreds (or more) of pounds to spend.

I seem to remember finding a set of noise cancelling in-ear earphones that are like earplugs in fit, they were pretty expensive (£80ish) - a mate of mine bought a pair and says they sound better than his speakers. These would be perfect on the tube/bus and have the advantage of not making you look a tit. They also rule for glasses wearers, and they don't advertise that you have an expensive music player for scum to stab you and steal. Me personally I find a set of £20 sony in-ears are all i need for public use - save the decent headphones for home use. I have a set of frighteningly expensive (not saying how much :eek: ) handmade, ultra excellent headphones at home I wouldnt want to break or get stolen etc

EDIT: small, in-ear 'phones also use a lot less power so you won't flatten your phone battery so fast. I also would be very surprised if you would do justice to a set of really good 'phones on a mobile telephone - I use my Sony K750i for this with an adaptor and in my experience none of said adaptors are exactly hi-fi quality - thin cables, carp materials etc
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Grado have retro look which look fragile, but Sennheiser are just all plastic.

...and they're prone to pieces falling off. i.e., the headband detaching from the ear piece (see the suggestions for which epoxy to use to repair them on the Grado fans threads on and other sites). Yes they do have a retro look which some people like, but the build quality and finish, even on their top range is dreadful. They are also notoriously uncomfortable, to the point of being painful after even a short period of use. Devotees of the "Grado sound" buy them knowing of their faults, for that sound, many have found work arounds and fixes for their acknowledged faults.

I've had two pairs of Grados and never liked them. However, I acknowledge and respect the fact that Grado headphones are high end products in terms of their audio quality. I'm no Sennheiser fanatic but I do think you're talking complete nonsense in your comparison of the relative build quality of the Grados v Sennheisers.

Had you wanted to persuade people here of the real merits of the Grados to readers of this thread you might have mentioned the fact that they can be driven quite well without a headphone amplifier. As this is not primarily an audiophile site there are probably more people using headphones with their PCs without headphone amps than with. You might also have mentioned that if the Grado sound suits you you'll become a fan on hearing them. You might also have mentioned that the dreadful Grado ear pads can be replaced quite cheaply with a pair of replacement Sennheiser pads whilst retaining their special sound.

Grados are well known and liked for their audio quality and signature NOT their build quality.
...and they're prone to pieces falling off. i.e., the headband detaching from the ear piece (see the suggestions for which epoxy to use to repair them on the Grado fans threads on and other sites). Yes they do have a retro look which some people like, but the build quality and finish, even on their top range is dreadful. They are also notoriously uncomfortable, to the point of being painful after even a short period of use. Devotees of the "Grado sound" buy them knowing of their faults, for that sound, many have found work arounds and fixes for their acknowledged faults.

One of those fixes is simply putting on some Senn 414 pads - I've done this and my Grado's now sound better and are more comfy. :)
But that doesn't take away the central soundstage which after 2-3 hours of usage gets very fatiguing compared to the all round soundstage of the Sennheiser ranges.

I had the SR60 - sounded awesome but got very uncomfy after a few hours. Then had the 485 and now on the 555 which are getting better every month (had several hundred hours of usage).

Am going to look at upgrading the cable on it soon too.
I have HD465 and they are very very good to say the least.

They are a little uncomfortable for me after a few hours use though. But its ok. :)
But that doesn't take away the central soundstage which after 2-3 hours of usage gets very fatiguing compared to the all round soundstage of the Sennheiser ranges.
When I use crossfeed I no longer get this problem....
I had the SR60 - sounded awesome but got very uncomfy after a few hours. Then had the 485 and now on the 555 which are getting better every month (had several hundred hours of usage).

Am going to look at upgrading the cable on it soon too.
have a look out for some HD580's - I prefer them to HD650's. :)
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