rich_g85 said:
Well to be perfectly honest I've become quite disillusioned with my 300D and I'm fed up with after every day's shooting having to go through most shots and lighten them in Photoshop.
You're blaming the camera for your photos being too dark.
You can use exposure compensation as already mentioned. I'm not sure how you use your camera, but just incase...
When you meter, turn of evaluative/matrix and use partial/spot metering... and most importantly, you have to be selective about which part of the scene you meter from.
As a tip, for an outdoor scene, try metering from green grass, then once the camera has the brightness information, you can alter your exposure to fit within what the camera;s light meter says. You will also have to make educated guesses when setting the exposure.
For example, if you metered off of grass that was well lit by the sun, you will most likely need to increase exposure because the camera's light meter will tell you what the ideal exposure is for that grass, but it will make the rest of the scene dark if there are areas in the shade, or darker objects in the scene such as tree bark.
It's worth learning to use the camera and learning more about exposure before spending money on different equipment.