Anyone else notice with new starters increasingly the younger ones are like sponges when it comes to the training material, and can repeat back procedure, etc. verbatim better even than most people who've been doing the job years but utterly fall flat when it comes to putting it into practise. Obviously there is almost always a gap between theory and practise with inexperience but this is far more to the extremes than I'm used to dealing with.
In years gone by typically people would struggle a bit to digest all the training material but with a few pointers most would be standing on their own feet in a reasonable amount of time.
Bit frustrating as doing an appraisal post them watching the videos, etc. you think great they seem to have picked up on most stuff and can readily respond with the correct procedure for a given situation, etc. but then it turns out they have no idea how to use the information in an actual practical situation.
Won't lie I struggle to take in theory, not much sticks until I've seen it in a real practical scenario, and can take a bit longer than average probably to get up to speed with new concepts, etc. but given a bit of time I'm fully capable of working it out for myself.