Id kill for some quality booze right about now, a row with the gf resulted in a seven mile walk, and my feet are bloody killing me. Still at least i can make up for it with quantity even if i dont have the quality stuff .
Id kill for some quality booze right about now
Was it your idea or did you steal it as i'm sure i've seen an identical one somewhere else!
You won't get it in this thread.
Eugh. I can understand that some people drink lager to get drunk when out but people drinking it in the house and enjoying it is far beyond my comprehension.
Oh if you drink magners though your 18 or gay, fact
Eugh. I can understand that some people drink lager to get drunk when out but people drinking it in the house and enjoying it is far beyond my comprehension.
Is that a box of eggs next to the keg? What plans have you really got tonight then?