Are we by any chance in the midst of a global pandemic?
In my defence It's late and I'm tired, but it's fairly obviously going to be lower than normal.
My real question is any at all, I suppose.
Are we by any chance in the midst of a global pandemic?
If any idiots knock the door trying to trick or treat they will be ignored. Might even take their picture from the window to shame the parents on social media.
When people ask how acme ended up on a register we can tell them this is where it all began.
Complete greyout here this afternoon and it looks like the rain is here for the rest of the day.
I cleared the gutters of leaves a few days ago and swept the yard and cleared the drain covers this morning so there's nothing more to do except drink tea by the fire.
Oo log fire? Very jealous!
Off for a roast soon...using my savings to 'live a little' before lockdown.
Ah gotcha!
Hmmm, i reckon beef. They do lamb actually. Shall see!
Suppose no secret Santa this year then? Can’t be sending stuff to peoples houses
Will be interesting to see if my boss contacts me today and puts me back on part time work part time furlough again, now that it's been extended (if that option is still allowed) this is the first week we are returning to a full week but with the lockdown it's unclear if the main part of our work is allowed to continue. It would certainly make financial sense to put as back to that.
best get up as the cats are nagging me for breakfast