This Instant And Moment - 2020!

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The mod team were obviously satisfied with Theo’s latest psychiatric assessment

they’re still bracing themselves for Tony Williams one
@Feek if you're feeling generous can I have my MM access back? ;) It's been years since I got banned for profiteering when I was unemployed at college and didn't actually manage to profiteer anyway. :p

Just making a map for SkaterXL game, can't believe I've never used Normal Maps before they make textures come alive.

Also listening to "Ghosts of the Underground", love my documentaries.
The not is not a knot
Ha Y Ye?
Ho ye ha!
Aring rong rung ring raion
Ha adaos, wo woalos!
Inre abre exre adre
ora are aro
Reluminatus ao
The unicorns bolt 4 spirals knit
Time shall serve all best
Turn the ring halaos, twist
Noose the sun, the moon, brake
As above, so before
As above, so below
As writ, so toll
Ab chronum tempus est
Crypts adance advance the duty
Aha Guma Ah Siroh
Tu magi natos
Ad harmonum ad falsum est
Confest the Hempress of the dragons:
Ride the 5th wind. Go
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Oops took my thyroid supplement this morning and thought 'Ugh this pot stinks, I swear it was never this bad' checked the date... best before 12/2019 :o
@Feek if you're feeling generous can I have my MM access back? ;) It's been years since I got banned for profiteering when I was unemployed at college and didn't actually manage to profiteer anyway. :p

The Feek is more forgiving than I am, this will never happen.
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