This Instant And Moment - 2020!

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@Burnsy2023 Not sure if you might know the answer to this but my cars MOT has run out and is parked on the public road outside my house, however I am isolated within my home, and when I enquired with a few MOT places they were either closed or booked up to the gunnels and unsure if they would even be able to finish the ones they have booked up...

I'm imagining even if some busybody reported it I won't get fined etc because of the current situation..? I expect there will be hundreds it not thousands of people/cars in the same position in the coming weeks.

Be interested to know the answer to this too.
@Burnsy2023 Not sure if you might know the answer to this but my cars MOT has run out and is parked on the public road outside my house, however I am isolated within my home, and when I enquired with a few MOT places they were either closed or booked up to the gunnels and unsure if they would even be able to finish the ones they have booked up...

I'm imagining even if some busybody reported it I won't get fined etc because of the current situation..? I expect there will be hundreds it not thousands of people/cars in the same position in the coming weeks.

Be interested to know the answer to this too.

If it's a recent expiry, most police would be unlikely to give anything more than a warning anyway, but with the current situation, expect a healthy dose of common sense from the police. There isn't any official exemption at the moment, but with the huge breadth of impacts, the government can't add exceptions for everything. So in short, it'll likely still be illegal but unenforced if the vehicle is still roadworthy.

It's worth noting that garages are on the exception list for business closures, so hopefully you'll find space somewhere.
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Just found a queen bee hiding in the folds of a curtain.

Edit: actually a wasp/queen wasp. Now in the garden.
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This is the second time I've seen the forum fail to recognise a queen dad. :(

Whole company is now working from home. Took them a week to get up to normal speed and I've barely had time to eat today!
It's a glorious day up here. I've just had my morning coffee while sat outside in the garden overlooking the mountains and listening to the birds singing in the trees. There are tadpoles in the pond too.

For a brief moment it felt like nothing was wrong.
It's a glorious day up here. I've just had my morning coffee while sat outside in the garden overlooking the mountains and listening to the birds singing in the trees. There are tadpoles in the pond too.

For a brief moment it felt like nothing was wrong.
I had a similar moment as I lay in bed. Played Rocket League with a few mates for an hour. Then my best mate stayed on when everyone left and we had an hour of phone catch-up and team play. Went to bed totally oblivious to anything except being content.
I had a similar moment as I lay in bed. Played Rocket League with a few mates for an hour. Then my best mate stayed on when everyone left and we had an hour of phone catch-up and team play. Went to bed totally oblivious to anything except being content.

Great stuff. I think it's an important thing to do and something I've been neglecting. From now on I'll aim to do it once a day, even if for just 10 minutes (always mindful of course of those who don't have the luxury at the moment, and my heart goes out to them).
Just been out walking the dogs. It’s a really quiet private lane which goes by our house so I don’t bother with leads generally.

Tonight heading back I saw a car coming down so held the dogs by the side of the road. Then spotted a dog with a flashing collar running in front of the car.

Turned out the driver was walking his dog but was too lazy to walk so just drives really slowly behind it!
Just been out walking the dogs. It’s a really quiet private lane which goes by our house so I don’t bother with leads generally.

Tonight heading back I saw a car coming down so held the dogs by the side of the road. Then spotted a dog with a flashing collar running in front of the car.

Turned out the driver was walking his dog but was too lazy to walk so just drives really slowly behind it!

Copying my picture library to another HDD as I need to rebuild my computer.

It's been running Windows 10 for more than 4 years now on the same install and refuses to update. I could troubleshoot but thought I'd take the time and do a clean install.

I must also find a good backup solutions for my pictures.
Day off work - plan was to sort through washing and catch up on ironing etc. instead I've carried on my bathroom room plan and looking at basins and such like :o

Now going through my photo bucket account...who remembers the OcUK Teddy Travels? :D

aww, shame the online blog is no more :( All the pictures etc of his travels are gone
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