This Instant And Moment - 2021!

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I’m happy with some parts of my life. Want to leave retail but problem is most jobs are other side of the county. With fuel prices increasing - it maybe I probably be worse off even with going for jobs paying £1-2k more pa. Then that will hit my student loan repayments. As now only time I pay it is when I get bonuses.

Things that make me happy are comedies from 70s/80s/90s, good food, classic films etc
Talking about ginger, my ginger is there its the green spikey stuff, going mental with this rain,it also likes my little living room garden(i ought to try some in the main garden) as theres a big slab of concrete

What did you take that picture with?! Its either a filthy lens or a potato! :D
Watching the The Thing, brilliant film, none of the CGI nonsense.

The Burning is next (Horror Channel) rarely is it aired (I hated this film as a kid, was a horror I watched at a sleepover when 13 or something) intrigued to watch again after all these years.

Speaking to my Dad today he mentioned someone dropped off a Chopper (bike) at the tip today, talking about how he was tempted to make an offer, as it would make a decent resto build but didn't.

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