This Instant And Moment - 2025!

erm the woman was literally asking why I want a medication review.....

She said have you had a text? then why do you want a medication review?
I'm like because the NHS app where I request a prescription says I need a medication review with my GP...

Shes like things work "differently here" we give you one month of medication, and inform the GP about it.

like what? don't tell me getting long term medication now becomes as ridiculous as the 21 minute phone queues to speak with a glorified receptionist.

Like an hour later nothing showing on the NHS app.. I honestly have no idea what is going on with GP surgeries these days, why are receptionists allowed to issue medication thats stopped due to a medication review? surely I need an appointment with the GP tog et back on a regular prescription

MPs should be forced to use public services so they know what it's like, its ridiculous they get to live a bubble with 0 experience of peoples every day life's and worries.
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I had left my car keys and house keys in the door over night and the car on the drive way :o
you can probably do that 90 times out a 100 an be fine.

The people walking around at night trying car doors don't have eagle vision
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you can probably do that 90 times out a 100 an be fine.

The people walking around at night trying car doors don't have eagle vision

Yeh usually my area is fine, although it is a nice area, so people do get targetted sometimes.

I have had a few instances where i have forgot to lock my car door before (although keys inside the house) but i generally dont leave stuff in the car for anyone to take
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Need an appointment for a medication review... your currently in queue position 50...

I had to do something similar today too. Doctor left me a message yesterday evening, I replied this morning via their portal and the whole thing arranged for tomorrow afternoon (yes a Saturday!) in a couple of exchanges that was easier then arranging beers with the mates.
I had to do something similar today too. Doctor left me a message yesterday evening, I replied this morning via their portal and the whole thing arranged for tomorrow afternoon (yes a Saturday!) in a couple of exchanges that was easier then arranging beers with the mates.
The whole NHS is retarded...

I remember once my GP said to book an appointment for 6 weeks time..

then the receptionist is "we can't unlock appointments that far away"

I swear I have mental illness and I feel like punching my self in the face repeatedly..

literally on depression meds and can';t even get a medication review...
I have 5 days left...then I just stop takintg the tablets all together until I spiral enough to be able to see a GP again... AGAIN!!!!


Next time my GP asks why I self harm and have depression Ima unload about how utter crap this practice is
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I swear I have mental illness and I feel like punching my self in the face repeatedly..

literally on depression meds and can';t even get a medication review...
I have 5 days left...then I just stop takintg the tablets all together until I spiral enough to be able to see a GP again... AGAIN!!!!

The way that mental health meds are treated is ridiculous. No-one ever complains that I keep taking my asthma meds, but need anti-depressants or anti-anxiety pills and they constantly want to take you off them.
but need anti-depressants or anti-anxiety pills and they constantly want to take you off them.
my GP said I'd probably take them for 1-2 years, but could only give me like a 6month prescription, after initially have a prescription for a month to see how I react on them.
that 6 months is up, I shoulda phoned a week ago really but couldn't face the hassle.
Honestly don't think they really do much apart from make me less anxious, mirtazapine

When I'm stressed I wonder if they make it worse tbh
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The whole NHS is retarded...

I remember once my GP said to book an appointment for 6 weeks time..

then the receptionist is "we can't unlock appointments that far away"

I swear I have mental illness and I feel like punching my self in the face repeatedly..

literally on depression meds and can';t even get a medication review...
I have 5 days left...then I just stop takintg the tablets all together until I spiral enough to be able to see a GP again... AGAIN!!!!


Next time my GP asks why I self harm and have depression Ima unload about how utter crap this practice is

I know the feeling of booking an appointment with my previous GP. In hindsight I should have timed what the doctor said with when the nurse was available for the follow up, instead I made the problem worse and ended up walking into A and E when it was quiet and asked them for advice very nicely and apologetically. Saw a lovely nurse who sorted my GP receptionist out. Bad GP practices are the problem as they are the access into healthcare system. Fortunately my previous previously bad GP did me a favour by kicking me out for 'moving away'. Unfortunately I appear to not live in any catchment area but somehow landed on my feet when one said they'll take me on anyway.
10 minute death match with a guy who outweighs me by >40kg in training tonight. Got home and noticed my body has literally got the gi canvas texture imprinted into it.

Lost, but made him sweat, so that's something.
I was going to cut the lawn today, but its just started raining again.

E. I just scored 3l of free milk at the petrol station. They didn't have an entry in their electronic till for it so they gave me it for free.
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Came back from Yorkshire last night. just before the Worcester m5 turn off we came to a bridge and what appeared to be a guy had climbed down and was ready to jump, we phoned 999 and already reported ,hoping it was a hoax or nothing came of it, Parka with hood up and a very white face ,my ex said pjs on ,couldn't see any road closures later though or news reports
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I swear I have mental illness and I feel like punching my self in the face repeatedly..
by that I meant due tot he hassle and stress of trying to get medication, not that mental problems make me violent.... the whole ordeal is like its designed to be as stressful as possible and deny access to services...

literally driving people up the wall...

I've had counselling at the GP surgery etc, I said its a waste of time and won't help me, you can't cure autism or change how my brain works,.

40% of autistic adults suffer from depression its a known thing, most of us probably don;t feel like we are part of society, we don't care about social relationships etc..
life is lonely, it sucks we just deal with it.

Be nice if help was easier to get. must be on my NHS medical file that I'm high risk. yet its still so difficult.

I'm not even on medication by my own choice really... the GP basically gave me 3 options.
One was counselling, one was medication and I can't remember what the 3rd option was.

Another service reported to me GP that I had been self harming, apparently they have a duty of care or something. then my GP phoned me out of the blue and that's how I ended up on meds...

so why is it so hard to get a medication review? you can't explain that.

They seem to have changed how medication reviews work but not told anyone, and it goes against what the NHS app says..
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by that I meant due tot he hassle and stress of trying to get medication, not that mental problems make me violent.... the whole ordeal is like its designed to be as stressful as possible and deny access to services...

literally driving people up the wall...

Unfortunately there is so much demand for services and as ‘high priority’ things take, well, priority… they can’t always arrange appointments last minute.

Just call them up and see what they can do, noting you’re running out of medication. As you say, you could have called them a week or so ago.

Once you have it on your repeat prescriptions, it should be registered on the NHS app and you can just re-order medicine from there without further appointments, it’s dead easy. So ask the GP about adding it to your repeat prescriptions when you see him / her :)
Unfortunately there is so much demand for services and as ‘high priority’ things take, well, priority… they can’t always arrange appointments last minute.

Just call them up and see what they can do, noting you’re running out of medication. As you say, you could have called them a week or so ago.

Once you have it on your repeat prescriptions, it should be registered on the NHS app and you can just re-order medicine from there without further appointments, it’s dead easy. So ask the GP about adding it to your repeat prescriptions when you see him / her :)

I'm on these meds because another service reported me to my GP for self harming. (it wasn;t anything crazy that leaves lasting marks, just things that fade away in a week or two without any scar)

I never asked to be put on them, I was given 3 choices.

Yea they get put on the NHS app as a repeat prescription, then eventually you need a review and it says to contact your GP or nurse.

In the past I then phone up, say "Can I please have an appointment with the GP for a medication review" they ask for what medication, I say what it is.
They then book me an appointment with the GP, I usually ask for a phone call.

its a 3 minute phone call and its done for another half year or whatever.

This time I phone up and shes saying it doesn't work like that anymore, have you been texted a code...
I say what code? The NHS app is telling me to see my GP...

She says something about issuing a month prescription and informing my GP.
nothing new is showing on the NHS app since then.

tbh 5 days should be enough usually even if it is last minute.

Who wants to do the 8:30AM lottery before they need to? it's something people dread and put off for as long as possible surely.

especially if your depressed anyway.

I can guarantee if I don't ask for a new prescription, and my GP finds out im off the meds he will not be happy and ask why I stopped taking them....
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