Unfortunately there is so much demand for services and as ‘high priority’ things take, well, priority… they can’t always arrange appointments last minute.
Just call them up and see what they can do, noting you’re running out of medication. As you say, you could have called them a week or so ago.
Once you have it on your repeat prescriptions, it should be registered on the NHS app and you can just re-order medicine from there without further appointments, it’s dead easy. So ask the GP about adding it to your repeat prescriptions when you see him / her
I'm on these meds because another service reported me to my GP for self harming. (it wasn;t anything crazy that leaves lasting marks, just things that fade away in a week or two without any scar)
I never asked to be put on them, I was given 3 choices.
Yea they get put on the NHS app as a repeat prescription, then eventually you need a review and it says to contact your GP or nurse.
In the past I then phone up, say "Can I please have an appointment with the GP for a medication review" they ask for what medication, I say what it is.
They then book me an appointment with the GP, I usually ask for a phone call.
its a 3 minute phone call and its done for another half year or whatever.
This time I phone up and shes saying it doesn't work like that anymore, have you been texted a code...
I say what code? The NHS app is telling me to see my GP...
She says something about issuing a month prescription and informing my GP.
nothing new is showing on the NHS app since then.
tbh 5 days should be enough usually even if it is last minute.
Who wants to do the 8:30AM lottery before they need to? it's something people dread and put off for as long as possible surely.
especially if your depressed anyway.
I can guarantee if I don't ask for a new prescription, and my GP finds out im off the meds he will not be happy and ask why I stopped taking them....