This Is England

25 Jul 2006
I've just sat here watching it till the early house of the morning and i have to say what a film, its a must see for anyone and everyone. it perfectly portrays how we expect life in 1983 to be. It's just so moving and emotional, and the story line is brilliantly put together. i'm not ashamed to admit it but this film actually brought a tear to my eye by the end of it.

although i dont agree with some of the views and opinions expressed in this film i still wanted to watch it just to see how bad, things such as racism were nearly 25 years ago and i dont think there could have been a clearer way of expressing it.

if you have seen it then please leave a comment and tell me what you thought of it.
Yeah saw it ages ago, there was another thread abouyt it somewhere :confused:

But it really is a moving film , think everyone should see it. Really is shocking at the end of the film :(
totally agree the end was so unexpected and the soundtrack just fit it so perfectly. but that last scene where he was throwing the flag in the sea i thought was brilliant, he was obviously showing that he was willing to give up all the things that combo had taught him and he had learnt that it was wrong.

but brilliant, just brilliant.
great film, yeah totally shocking at the end. Wierd him being in with a group of skin heads anyway tbh. Brilliant film, well worth watching!
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