This is what winning looks like (Afghanistan)

Its fine.. they got democracy... yaay...

The truth is, if Taliban comes to power at least there wont be drug supply coming from Afghanistan... Since NATO got involved the poppy farm growth increased by 200%.

Well you see the poppy situation is a catch 22. Farmers will grow whatever makes them most money and unfortunately at the time this happens to be poppy. They aren't going to grow something less sinister out of sheer morality when the majority of the people are poor and need to feed their families. So if ISAF forces go in and eradicate their poppy fields they are doing the Afghan people an injustice.

On the flip side of the coin you could have the Taliban running the show. Now ironically the TB will allow farmers to grow poppies when it suits them. The TB will take a cut of the farmers profits and make money out of them, rather like the mafia take protection money. The TB will then help facilitate the transport of Opium safely out of the country and use those same established "trade routes" to bring arms in to the country.

So in summary, if the TB were in power it would not mean Afghanistan would stop producing drugs. Yes, poppy production has increased since ISAF forces have been in Afghanistan. ISAF have been working several programmes to try and revert farmers to cultivating vegetable crops. The level of success regarding these programmes should be judged by yourselves.
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Pretty much like any other third world nation then. What's the argument, let an oppressive regime crack on with it and do what they want? Would that be preferable? Do you think that would mean less corruption?

Not really. The intention of developing their military and police force was to A. provide a force that keeps a democratic govt in power, B. maintain peace and uphold laws, C. provide jobs to those out of work... now although these might have been the intentions, it is quite evident they are not ringing true, yet. Give it time, it might play out once we withdraw. You never know.

Unfortunately, I am leaning towards agreement that the Afghan Forces might be in for some brutal repercussions once we do come out :(

...As for the point about arming farmers... pretty much anyone and everyone was already armed in Afghanistan, farmers included.

No actually really.

Nobody wanted us there, we didn't want to go, they didnt want us there, as soon as we are gone it will revert to what it was as that's what they want.

The sad thing is is everyone who has co-operated with the US forces and ourselves will be butchered in retribution.
I watched it all yesterday & although it was disappointing to see such apathy it didn't shock me at all up to the point that old Dude said what he said about Young boys & What are they s'posed to do **** there Grandmothers ******. At that point I'd have had to play dropsy with a nade.
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