This is why I hate Episode 1!

23 Nov 2004
The Place To Be
Companies like Valve try and make these action/horror games more interactive and mentally challenging, but end up making a horrible mess of it. I'm stuck inside a dark, water-filled room with an electric box charging all the water. I've somehow go to turn on the switch, and then make my way to the other side whilst the electricity is active. The switch opens the door.

I've been trying this for 25 minutes now. I've tried destroying the box, propping up objects against the door in hope that they jam it open when I turn the switch back on, using the blue barrell (which obviously plays some sort of role in this) as an insulating float on the water. What else. Using the barrell as a stand to try and jump up on to the upper floor.

It's pathetic and I'm this (does the finger gesture) close to smashing the CD in half.

If they're going to do this in games, they should at least provide some sort of hint, or make more than one possible solution.
IIRC, you move the barrel to hold the walkway up. I've been replaying the original though so might not be remembering the exact bit.
lol usually people moan that games are too easy...always google a walkthrough if ya need it but i prefer the challenge myself :)
WTF. I didn't know you can walk through a bolt of electricity.

That is pathetic. How the hell are you meant to figure that out?
Tommy B said:
WTF. I didn't know you can walk through a bolt of electricity.

That is pathetic. How the hell are you meant to figure that out?

On the plus side at least you will not be complaining about the game length lol :)
You dont.

Put the floaty objects under the walkway so it will hold your weight and not drop in the water.

Jump from the walkway to the mid object then turn right, jump across to the small room and then through the window. Easy really.
You don't actually go through the bolt you jump from the walkway to the next platform then jump on the stone block and walk along the remains of a wall??? was it, then you jump into a room and make you way around to the door - something like that anyway.

I must admit it took me a few goes to figure out what to do then I realised you could use the barrel UNDER the walkway :)
Episode 1 was way too short. My only gripe. That bit was pretty cool though... i knew what i was doing :p
I really loved it -the only bit I didn't like was the point your flashlight at stuff bit. Why couldn't they just give gordon a better battery?
Jono said:
I really loved it -the only bit I didn't like was the point your flashlight at stuff bit. Why couldn't they just give gordon a better battery?

I concur! Youd think him being Gordon Freeman and all that he could conjur up some better batteries...
Jono said:
I really loved it -the only bit I didn't like was the point your flashlight at stuff bit. Why couldn't they just give gordon a better battery?

Alyx does actually say that - something like:

'We gotta see Dr. Kleiner about getting you a new battery for that thing..."
I thought that puzzle was actually really good - made me think for a short while, but was quite logical, and not overly contrived compared to those in some other games. HL2:EP1 got the level of puzzles just right, not to annoying unlike a lot of FPS.
Lol, i struggled on this bit to. But like the guys said, put the blue barrell benath that floating platform, turn on electricity, jump from platfrom to that small column/piller, to your right should be huge metal pipes leading back to that small room where headcrabs where lurking, make a big jump back to there.

Personally, the harder to figure out, the better!
I just ran and jumped across without putting the blue float under the platform, didnt know thats the way to do it. Sure I got electrocuted and lost some health, but it was okay, got across.
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