That you have his online dating profile could be a brilliant way to honeytrap him.
Create cute girl profile, contact him, 'meet up', profit????
l o l
Advertise it correctly, and you can bring Chris Hansen along as well!
That you have his online dating profile could be a brilliant way to honeytrap him.
Create cute girl profile, contact him, 'meet up', profit????
Which part of pak out of interest?
Home, police updated! Apparently a Sargent is now involved. Gogogogogogo
Home, police updated! Apparently a Sargent is now involved. Gogogogogogo
Home, police updated! Apparently a Sargent is now involved. Gogogogogogo
Yep, just seen that.Literally on the boarder of Afghanistan by the looks of it.
That would explain why its looks rural, remote and rundown in his videos, and likely why there is a guy sat about with an AK.