This sort of thing makes my blood boil

All very good moral points etc. At the end of the day, this child is seen medically as a life that cannot endure, therefore cannot have Any quality of life, in fact the poor child wont even know its human, therefore this should not be a debate, the doctors should have the final say, they have the expertise and knowledge that you and i do not, yes they can get things wrong just like the rest of us, but they are still the leading authority on the subject.
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This will start a whole new discussion probably but im going to say it anyway.

If they want the kid to live they should allow stemcell reseach to be done and to see if they can cure it with that.
Other then that the kid will not have a life.

Also please read my other post, it might make you think differently about the topic wether or not to keep it alive
Superdude said:
This child will have no life, it is doomed to agony and eventual death.
Perish the thought, that you should actually read the article.

The child is conscious and aware, and subject to the mild discomfort of an incubation tube.

Who knows, knowing the facts might even change your opinion.
vonhelmet said:
What if there is, medically speaking, no hope?

I don't know if that is the situation here.

I don't know either,but from that article the original judgement to turn it off was becouse there was no hope of improvement or quality of life - since which time he has improved.It seems pretty obvious there is little chance of survival for the poor little kid,let alone any sort of life if he does - but from the parents viewpoint i guess any improvement against the odds will just make any decision ever more difficult.
William said:
If he has no quality of life and no prospect of getting better then I think he should be allowed to die. The parents are probably reluctant to let go but they need to think of the childs suffering/lack of quality of life.

My thoughts exactly.
vonhelmet said:
What if there is, medically speaking, no hope?

I don't know if that is the situation here.

If there is no hope whatsoever, then the decision by the courts will be easier, in ruling in favour of the doctors. The trouble is when there is any slight hope for the future, or as in this case, the child might still be able to experience some 'pleasure' at the moment. However in this case, the doctors are arguing that the quality of life for this child WILL invariably deteriorate terribly, due to the nature of the condition.

I think those people who have posted quite frankly that the parents should just let the child die as it would be in their best interests, are not parents themselves. There is no reason at all to be angry or frustrated with about the parents, in my opinion.
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