This Week Only 20/06/2012 - Special price reductions!

I've just read through this and am completely overwhelmed - better give my wife my credit card - she is a lot safer than I am with it.....
I know the KFA2 GeForce GTX 680 LTD OC 2GB your selling now aren't the earlier 'golden' GPUs reaching around 1265MHz (1300MHz oc'd easily) on the core but 1215MHz. However, the newsletter yesterday said we'd be saving £40 when I remember they were originally selling for £529.99.

As if it wasn't confusing already ;) did the RRP only apply to the earlier higher overclocking editions?
why are the decrease in SSD prices only happening on the 128gb and above? :(
would love some today only/this week only on some of the 60GBs :D
Does anyone know if the Corsair Builder Series CX 600W has sufficient cable length for a mid tower like the Antec P280?
Incredibly large sadface :(

I plan on making a whole new build from scratch next week, but can't afford until payday comes on the 29th! lots of this stuff would be great too..
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