This weekend Only Deals - Corsairs SP120 Fans and the AWESOME Asus 7970 MATRIX Platinum!

I did read in one of the other threads someone had a similar issue, and one of the staff said to just order another as a second order as it's free delivery, not 100% whether this will apply in your case as I haven't purchased two.

Give it a try.

Nice one mate, didn't think of that one Worked a treat ;)
I'm sure they will just give you the difference if you ring them. Although lets be honest here, you were happy to pay £234 for it when you bought it so you have jack to complain about really. But like i said they will most likely give you the difference if you ring them or post in the customer service section.

I really hoped so, I bought the matirx for just 4 days. I contacted them see if they will give me the difference.
I tried it before when my 7970 was within DSR period, but they wouldn't cover it :( It dropped by £20, so by the time you pay return postage, it's not really worth it. Although I did get a few free games, so can't really grumble, can just get a bit frustrating when they drop so soon after you buy them, mine was pre-ordered for about 2 weeks as well
and it's not the first time though...I tried several times, I was thinking a deal is not a real deal until they decided... Marketing team should do something about this I think, this is no good for the strategy, people will tend to wait even longer to prevent this things to happen....and THIS will reduce sales in the long run!
I tried it before when my 7970 was within DSR period, but they wouldn't cover it :( It dropped by £20, so by the time you pay return postage, it's not really worth it. Although I did get a few free games, so can't really grumble, can just get a bit frustrating when they drop so soon after you buy them, mine was pre-ordered for about 2 weeks as well

exactly, they've been doing this to the HD 7990 as well. After I bought 2 from the pre-order for 2 weeks, it just drop another 30 quid per card. means I lost 60 quid in just 1 week and another 20 from the matrix. 80 quid could buy me a nice rad for my rig. >.<

Very frustrating indeed!
Wake up earlier Andrew Moore! :(

28 September 2013 08:35:16 - Order Confirmation including:

2 x Corsair SP120 Performance Series High Pressure - Dual Pack (CO-9050008-WW)

Might go try ply 5UB in CS section :D

Lol! I was awake, just not in work :D

Im sure 5ub MAY BE ABLE TO HELP :)
Im actually going to call in the morning to see about swapping my TOP with the matrix. I thought it would only be worth having if i had a ROG motherboard i never realised the RAM was different. Ive not even opened the box or eaten the Haribo from the TOP so hopefully its not a problem!
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