Those "HOLY MOLY" moments...

8 Aug 2011
What's your favourite? Not just Holy Moly moments, but moments that stuck with you. Use spoilers please just in case people have not played the games.

When you get petrol poured on you and then Shepherd throws his cigar on you and you die; I was expecting to be saved. Kept thinking that Price was going to come in all guns blazing.

Bioshock Infinite -
That ending. My God. I actually bought a book about parallel universes to read on the toilet haha!

Assassins Creed -
Numerous ones for me. I'm a huge sucker for this franchise. The whole Ezio trilogy was one of my favourite in gaming. Someone mentioned elsewhere the end of Black Flag where Kenway looks around and sees the memories of all his old crew while the pirate music begins to play. It was a brilliant end to a suprisingly decent game.

Deus Ex -
I was wandering around a research facility, go into this radioactive room where I get attacked by... FRIKKIN ALIENS?!?! That was awesome

Fear -
Alma. Nuff said.

Spec Ops The Line -
White phosphorus...

Loads more that will no doubt come to me.
Not PC I admit, but the bit in Halo 3 when the huge ship (Pillar of Autumn?) swoops in to drop off some tanks and warthogs. Jaw was on the floor for that.

I'm really tempted to buy an Xbox on the cheap just for the Halo games. I await in hope that the Master Chief Collection gets released for Windows 10 but I think I might be waiting forever...
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