Those mixed veg microwave bags...

With these microwaveable bags, is the water mixed directly with the veg? Isn't that boiling rather than steaming?

I use this 3 part plastic microwave steaming tub. You put water into the bottom part, veg into the perforated middle part which is not in direct contact with the water and a lid to keep the steam locked in.

The ones I get from sainsburys are just cut up veg in a bag, which you make a few holes in and them microwave for 2.5 minutes. No water other than that naturally in the veg.
Really? I have at least 5 from the past few years that do just that.
Depends who you buy I guess, the vintage books I have refer a lot more to seasonality.

That makes no sense it's exactly the same veg you would but from the super market except it's in little plastic bags and you microwave them.

I've microwaved fresh veg off my allotment and it tastes no different to boiling it or steaming it.
You have no tastebuds then man, world of difference, although some veg is hardier than others.

Supermarket veg sucks anyway, it's all mealy and flavourless, all the natural sugars are starch by the time it hits the shelf and the varieties are grown to look pretty yet taste average at best.

Don't get me started on the time I worked in a produce department years ago.
I agree with you pitchfork but sourcing good veg is also an art unless you have the time (and patience) to grow your own which going organic also takes some study.

I've had veg for quite a few local markets and while it is fun to by and chat to stall holders the veg has been the same as that from the supermarket disappointing :(

My problem is that I'm away for 3-4 weeks July and August which really just ruins all my crops. :(
I find my greengrocers does much better veg than the mealy supermarket crap, but I suppose living in wiltshire helps.

They're cheaper as well, but you can only buy in season.
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