Those of you who want Siri on the iPhone 4/iPad 2, etc.

Man of Honour
2 Jan 2009
I know many of you probably want working Siri for the iPhone 4/iPad 2, but are sick of all the rubbish proxy services, you should have a look at this -

Obviously you need the device Jailbroken and you need to have Spire installed.

It's £12 ($20) and I can confirm that it works flawlessly. The site is fairly reputable among the developer community.

Enjoy. ;)
There's no doubt Siri is better in the US but they'll surely get at least UK/Europe (mapping etc) working properly soon.
When do you actually use that - in the car? At home?

Txting by hand is more accurate and nigh on as quick, so can only really see a use when driving for example.

Setting reminders is the one thing that it seems good for - but then again, it often confuses itself or gets stuck responding.

When driving mostly. I actually find it fine for reminders too, it's faster than doing it manually - or at least easier.
oh and one other thing, i wouldnt be giving out my udid number to random people as per link in op

and no its $20 pm

$20/month? :eek: That's insane.

There's no real issue with the UDID as long as it's in the hands of fairly reputable people, which they are.
how many users per server ?
just tweeted 2 admins on sirisnow about it and they both told me to keep clear of it
out of interest how long have you been with them ? less than 2 weeks?

Of course they'll tell you to keep clear of it, they don't want you to leave...

I've had it running for a few days now with absolutely zero issues, it has worked flawlessly 100% of the time. They are opening a third server shortly. I know people who have been using it for longer.

Edit: In response to your edit, if it only works for a few weeks it's only £12 wasted so it doesn't matter.

It sounds to me like you want justification for having paid $40 (coming up to $60?) to use Siri which is ridiculous.

if this was the real deal sirisn0w would have members tweeting about it and now renewing their certs right now for this month, and they would have gone to the trouble to get another 2 servers ready to go with new plugins

i hope im wrong about your service but i have a feeling you wont have it long

I don't care if I have it long or not, I'll have my 4S back soon. I figured that it was worth giving Siri a try on one of my iPhone 4 devices instead of buying a whole new 4S just to use for a few days.

I suspect that the 'sirisn0w' members simply don't know about it, as it's fairly new.
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time will tell robbo
seriously tho udid and credit card

maybe so, but its far better than giving a random your udid and credit card details :eek:

and it wont be fully ported

Firstly, what does the UDID matter?

Secondly, I'm not worried about a credit card as its protected anyway. They are as reputable a company as you'll find offering these kinds of services.
They are down at the moment (on and off), but they have been fine up until now.

Apparently they're fixing it so we'll see (not that I care now I'm back on my 4S but I'll keep an eye on it). :)
Excuse me?

How have I misled anyone? I just pointed out a service that people may be interested in.

Nothing more, nothing less.

Edit: Have just tried it on my iPhone 4 and the Sentinel server is working without issue. Looks like they've fixed it.
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I'm certainly not endorsing the product, just recommending it as it is something that a lot of people are interested in.

Anyway, the service is back up and running now.
Clearly was an endorsement Robbo, wouldnt suprise me if you were affiliated.

The fact you have 23,042 posts on this forum led me to sign up for it.

It is infact working now however from 17:00 last night until 12:00 today was not.

It was not 'clearly' an endorsement and I am in no way affiliated with it.

I found it via Google and was quite impressed with it so I thought people might want to try it for a tenner?

It isn't hard to understand.

Just because it stopped working for a while and you started blubbering about it and getting all upset has nothing to do with me. It was clearly a bit of a risk from the outset, did you miss the massive FAQ on the page(s)?
yeah i did warn you all
my server that im on is still going strong, after nearly 2 months
give them a go, link is in one of my posts above
100% real deal, servers are very very rerely down, and if they are they are back up within 5 mins

Looking at your (and their) Twitter feed, it doesn't seem to be plain sailing at all.

I have to ask, if you're so obsessed with Siri as you seem to be, why not just buy a 4S? :confused:
key hasnt been renewed, its no biggy robbo, it will be back up in a bit
why buy a 4s when the 5 will be out in the summer

That's the same thing that happened with the servers in the OP it would seem. Due to the way Siri works, there's no easy way to keep it running.

So you're going to wait for 6~ months, paying $100+ for a possibly dodgy service instead of selling your iPhone 4 and buying a 4S for a bit extra?

That seems strange and illogical.
sirisn0w is by far the best
ive tried 3 different servers and sirisn0w is by far the fastest and best supported

Since the single downtime incident, all of the servers in the OP have worked fine and they are opening more worldwide in order to increase responsiveness (which is noticeable).

So I very much doubt that it's 'by far the best' unless the servers fail again for more than a short while. :)

It seems you're happy paying for sirisn0w, so stop selling it to yourself. ;)
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