Thought I would tell you what the photography forum has done for me...

8 Nov 2003
I have been an active member on here for about 3 years since I had a Kodak digital compact LS633. I had no interest in photography before then and found a great forum (here) to show my photos off and get feedback.

I then progreesed to a Canon 300d, 20d and now a 30d. I have entered every round of the competition for the last 2 years and won the "scale" round and have had good marks in various other rounds.

About a year ago me and my GF decided to use our skills that we have developed to set up a business. We decided that we would set up an online estate agency covering Beverley and the surrounding villages. We would offer all traditional services but most of all decent PHOTOGRAPHY!

We launched in January with 1 property and at the end of this week we will have 52 (on the website, in the pipeline and with about 15 sold) properties which is a phenomenal achievement.

I have taken all the photos for our business and we are at:

When I see photos like this at our competitors it just amazes me. Selling your biggest asset, would you be happy with a photo like this PHOTO

Anyway, just wanted to say thank you to everyone on the board that has given advice and happy snapping.
That's great - well done on your achievements!

putting the wideangle lens to good use! I understand where you are coming from - there are very few estate agents who provide enough details on line. I don't bother looking at any that don't have decent photos and floorplans
Yeah I forgot to mention that I use the Canon 10-22mm on all the shots. We have a disclaimer on there so we are not deceiving anyone.

To say its most peoples biggest asset the quality of the coverage is appalling.

Thanks :)
Thats a great achievement, well done!

However, if Im being critical I did notice a few things that put me off your website (and therefore your services).

First of all, I noticed that your property links point to ip addresses rather than your named domain ( Though this is a very minor thing, it can cause a person to become wary of your site.

Secondly, I noticed quite a few broken links to images, especially floor plans. This looks quite messy and unprofessional. Best to remove the image rather than having an unsightly broken image link ruining the page.

Thirdly, I liked the pictures you took, but I found them to be very low quality and too small. Accepting that bigger and higher quality images lead to more bandwidth usage and therefore running cost, it would be nice if the pictures were higher quality and could be enlarged to really see the detail in the picture. So many times in the past small and low quality pictures of rooms have drawn me to see a property only to be dissapointed when I got there, and that put me off using the agent again.

Other than that, great work and well done on the business! :)
I know what you mean. The reason it goes to an IP address is because we use Vebra software for our property management. They host the properties and everytime you go to a property is goes to their website. If you look at estate agents in your area you will notice the majority use Vebra and unfortunately we do loose a bit of control there.

I will check the floor plan issue, thank you.
Spit said:
I know what you mean. The reason it goes to an IP address is because we use Vebra software for our property management. They host the properties and everytime you go to a property is goes to their website. If you look at estate agents in your area you will notice the majority use Vebra and unfortunately we do loose a bit of control there.

Ah no worries, not much you can do about it. But as I said, its not a major issue anyway.

I will check the floor plan issue, thank you.

No problemo!
Very well done mate! Very well done! ;)

Millionaire! ;) Also the house price is pretty decent for one I have seen :p

Compared to my area anyway.
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I've asked the Dons but I'm not sure how close to the no pimping rule you're flying. Maybe if you edit the link and just post some pics them vs you? :) That aside, its great what you've acomplished. Congrats on your success.
Congrats on that, on a similar note I have been planning (still ongoing) for a while now to get together a similar sort of venture but involving cars!

A toast to the future!
Nice one :)

As for the IP address links - just setup an A record in your DNS, perhaps details.[domain] and point it to their IP address. Then edit the site to use that subdomain instead of the IP and bingo, no more nasty IP address :)
mrk said:
Congrats on that, on a similar note I have been planning (still ongoing) for a while now to get together a similar sort of venture but involving cars!

A toast to the future!

Go for it!
cyKey said:
I've asked the Dons but I'm not sure how close to the no pimping rule you're flying. Maybe if you edit the link and just post some pics them vs you? :) That aside, its great what you've acomplished. Congrats on your success.

I had the same initial thought (self pimping) but then thought "well its not like this guy is trying to sell things to people on here" :D
Rikki said:
I had the same initial thought (self pimping) but then thought "well its not like this guy is trying to sell things to people on here" :D


It is a genuine post about something Im passionate about. Sorry if it looks any different.
Joe T said:
Well done mate.

However, Im sure the forum rules say you cant promote your business on here?

Some of the rules are a bit on the tight side, spotted someone having to edit their post about ***** because its considered a competitor. Didnt know OC had 230+ high street shops with no stock and blithering idiots behind the counter :)
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