Thoughts on 10D

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19 Oct 2003
Sunny Teesside

I currently have a Fuji S3500 as well as a Canon EOS 1000FN 35mm SLR.

I love taking pictures with the SLR, but hate the waiting and expense of film, I find the Fuji too restricting & it feels like a toy!!! It's fine for the wife.

I've been having a scout about & been looking at D-SLRs, especially as my dad has just got a 350d. It felt a little small for my hands, and I had a hold of one of his mates 30D & it felt much better.

I haven't got 30D or 20D cash to spare right now as we are in a DIY nightmare & need to get it sorted so we can get the house valued & move to a brand new pad. I can justify (;)) about £200 and there are a few on ebay for around that amount.

I have 2 lenses from my film SLR that I can use with the 10D, I just need someone with some hands on experience to tell me it's the right choice!
The release of the 20D and 30D hasn't stopped the 10D from being a very good camera and for £200 I'd say it's a good buy, so long as it's in full working order of course.
I have a 10D and i love mine, would highly recommend one. Yes the 20/30d are both much more capable and the 350d has a higher resolution and probably higher IQ but they are all newer and more expensive.

However, i would be sceptical of any 10D, body only selling for less then £300, £200 seems WAY too cheap.
Yep, the one I was watching just shot up by £50 :(

They seem to be selling for high £200's with kit lens & a small CF.
The 300D/10D prices seem to have stabilised £50 either side of the £300 mark, with some smallish variation recently. The (just) sub-£300 mark would see a very used camera with a lot of actuations (40k should set alarm bells ringing, as thats the shutter life over). One with few actuations or a grip etc should easily sell for in excess of £300.

Its still a very capable camera, but by modern standards it is really quite slow. Nor can you use EF-S lenses? (seem to remember it having the bigger mirror)
DRZ said:
The 300D/10D prices seem to have stabilised £50 either side of the £300 mark, with some smallish variation recently. The (just) sub-£300 mark would see a very used camera with a lot of actuations (40k should set alarm bells ringing, as thats the shutter life over). One with few actuations or a grip etc should easily sell for in excess of £300.

Its still a very capable camera, but by modern standards it is really quite slow. Nor can you use EF-S lenses? (seem to remember it having the bigger mirror)

spot on, except the mirror is no bigger. The mount just doesnt have the gap to allow the -s part of the mount through. A few people have cut the extra bit off of the EF-s lenses and they work flawlessly on a 10D then :)

i have a 10D and i wouldn't think about upgrading to a 20d/30d yet as it wouldn't really be worth it for me.

i love the build quality of it over the 300/350d with it's magnesium alloy case and i've had many a good photo from it.

I'd definitely recommend it.
I have a 300D, 10D and a 1000FN.

Yes, some of the features of the new cameras are tempting, but they aren't worth the extra expense to me. I am basically sitting it out for a 5D-like body to cost about £1000.

Compatibility with EF-S doesnt bother me because my next body would be full frame. Meanwhile, the 10D serves me just fine, and the 300D is a good backup. Bodies are too expensive to be jumping onto the next one every time they release it.

The only other side of the coin is if any of the newer features is essential to your shooting style. The 10D is slow for serious sports shooting for example.
Mostly everything I've taken in the past 2 years has been with a 10D. Its a great camera. As people say, just because theres a new model out doesn't make the 10D loose its quality. I've upgraded simply because I need better ISO and a faster buffer.
Thanks for the replies guys. I've been having a rethink & realistically, it'll have to wait anyway. Grrr, I hate being sensible :mad: ;)
I have a 10D picked up for £450 about a year and a half ago, only having fired 2000 frames, it's an ace camera, and i haven't surpassed it's limits yet, still managing to do the sporting photos i wish so no need to change it.
W!ll said:
I have a 10D picked up for £450 about a year and a half ago, only having fired 2000 frames, it's an ace camera, and i haven't surpassed it's limits yet, still managing to do the sporting photos i wish so no need to change it.

Its funny you should mention sports because compared to the newed xxD cameras, sports is probably its weakest area! Relatively poor High-ISO noise handling, slower/less accurate AF with fewer AF points and a terribly slow buffer, not to mention the frame rate!

Borrow a 20/30D (or a 1D) and use it for sports, then say you dont need to upgrade!
sports might be the 10Ds weakest area but it is still pretty capable considering the fact it's now a 4 year old camera. The buffer is probably its biggest issue especially shooting in raw but it could be worse.

I'm sure compared to a 20/30/1D it's completely crap, but ignorance is bliss :p


Suits my needs at the moment :)
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