I have literally just had to do this, I started a job at the beginning of April, it wasn't supposed to be a work from home just but given the current situation, it is.
No worries, I have a decent setup (see sig) so not worries about any graphics design heavy tasks however, this is where my only issue cropped up....
So day 1, I'm ready to start the full on-boarding process, get all my email and other account access setup,
I consider myself very tech savvy, like most people on here I know my stuff when it comes to PC's, watercooling, etc... however I get a call from this no-name IT guy saying I need to install crap like MS Intune and Bitlocker on my PC in order to allow me access to the company portal
erm....no, I don't think I'll be doing that, how about you give me my login details and leave me alone to do my job...nope! can't do that, so that was monday
So the company has admin access to my entire PC, everything from my porn stash to any questionable downloads or software I may have installed on my PERSONAL machine
Wait a second, you couldn't source me a work laptop in time (despite having a months notice I was starting) so I do you a massive favour and say I'll use my PERSONAL PC to do my job until you can source a laptop
2 months later, my laptop finally arrives, I set it up myself, put bitlocker and all that crap on it that's required in order to do my job, remove everything company related from my personal PC, to then be told, that they need to create an admin account on my laptop......hmmmm...how about no. I already have admin access to install whatever software I need on this machine, I'm not going to give you access to create an account that allows you to remove my admin access and essentially limit and restrict my ability to do my job.