thread bumping?

17 Mar 2004
Is it just me or does anyone else find people who submit a thread and then "bump" it about an hour later because they haven't had a response extremely irritating? In fact this trend has got so bad that there are certain forums I wont post on now. Am I just being a grumpy old bugger or does anyone else find this trend of instant gratification a pain in the proverbials?
I do think its quite cheeky bumbing every hour, but if you have went say 24 hours without a reply then it might be worth a bumb.
I can understand it if it's a request for information, but otherwise it does seem a bit "attention whore-ish"
ahaha, it always makes me laugh when people bump their threads because no1 replied. it's like saying something funny and no one laughing - you wouldn't say it again just in case they didnt hear. you knew perfectly well they heard. you just arent funny or interesting!!
Aye, if your looking for a quick answer to a question you might be in your capacity to bump.

The worst i find is when people post for attention and then bump with "2373 looks and no replies OMGZ1!11!!/!?!?"...
Doesn't happen here much ...... you normally get a response, be it positive or negative, very soon.
Maybe not on GD but on the Windows and the Linux forums it is all too common (to the point where I no longer post on the Linux forum) :(
M0KUJ1N said:
Maybe not on GD but on the Windows and the Linux forums it is all too common (to the point where I no longer post on the Linux forum) :(

usually it's a post at 3am and then a bump 10 minutes later asking why no one has replied.... :p
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