thread bumping?

*slap* ! :p

Thread bumping is sometimes needed if the OP needed help but hasn't got a reply in a long period, bumping it would give it a new lease of life to a new audience. Bumping it every hour on the other hand is a little excessive.
I don't like impatient people in HG&P. It's a relatively quiet section and it really annoys me when people bump after < 24hrs unless it's urgent.
Sic said:
ahaha, it always makes me laugh when people bump their threads because no1 replied. it's like saying something funny and no one laughing - you wouldn't say it again just in case they didnt hear. you knew perfectly well they heard. you just arent funny or interesting!!
You'd be suprised!!
It depends on the reason for bumping. Sometimes people ask relatively obscure questions, which can be answered, just not by people who are online at the time. I've seen a few threads previously which I hadn't seen until they were bumped, that I have known the answer to or been able to at least give some advice.
Its ok to bump every so often (every few hours) becasue not every one is looking at one time, espicial if its a busy forum..

*bump* ;)
I think, under some circumstances, it is acceptable.
For instance: If you ask a question that you really need answered fairly quickly and no-one responds then it is acceptable to bump it up a bit to try to bring it to the attention of someone who may not have been online earlier.
I've done it a couple of times when I was in a hurry and noticed someone who may be able to help is now online.

Also threads which contain important or interesting information can be bumped, like meet threads for example.

I don't know about others but I rarely look any further than the third page of a forum. In GD that could be as little as 12 hours. if you haven't been on the forums for a few days you could have missed something important and not know.

Having said all that, most threads which are interesting or contain important information are usually quite popular and as such, don't need bumping. One of the exceptions would be meet threads, as mentioned before, which tend to be started several months before the actual event and can go some time between spam fests and run the risk of pruning.

If one bumps for no other reason than to say "look at my thread people" then that is sad.

Bumping is, of course, against the rules in MM - and quite rightly so.

Stan :)
Bigstan said:
I think, under some circumstances, it is acceptable.
For instance: If you ask a question that you really need answered fairly quickly and no-one responds then it is acceptable to bump it up a bit to try to bring it to the attention of someone who may not have been online earlier.
I've done it a couple of times when I was in a hurry and noticed someone who may be able to help is now online.

Also threads which contain important or interesting information can be bumped, like meet threads for example.

I don't know about others but I rarely look any further than the third page of a forum. In GD that could be as little as 12 hours. if you haven't been on the forums for a few days you could have missed something important and not know.

Having said all that, most threads which are interesting or contain important information are usually quite popular and as such, don't need bumping. One of the exceptions would be meet threads, as mentioned before, which tend to be started several months before the actual event and can go some time between spam fests and run the risk of pruning.

If one bumps for no other reason than to say "look at my thread people" then that is sad.

Bumping is, of course, against the rules in MM - and quite rightly so.

Stan :)

Good answer that- imo if someone is asking an obscure question and they dont get an answer promptly on OCUK then maybe they should be looking at more specialist forums or newsgroups for their answers. I say that as someone who has a fairly good general computing knowledge, as well as having specialist knowledge in specific applications and fields. Also people asking questions directly related to homework or their jobs should be banned. If you dont know the answer or cant find it yourself then you shouldnt be studying that field at that level or doing that particular job.

Meets are a good exception- maybe it should be proposed that meet threads be set as stickies or moved to their own section, and that bumping should be banned
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