Thread Revival: Whats the biggest animal you could 'take on?'

Bbut he may become in enraged and suck on yiur face until you bleed from your eyes.

Mind you, you could just stick a rusty spoon in his ear, but thats a wepon :D
I get beat up by my cats, but they're vicious little gits. So I'm going to say guinea pig.

I checked with a couple of colleagues nearby and got an armadillo, dormouse and the final answer was "another man", I replied, no humans and his final answer was "a woman then" :D
Gilly said:
I'm a bit bigger and a bit harder than before. I reckon I could take down a Walrus quite easily now.

I reckon I could take down a buffalo. Or a yak.


If there is a time limit then this would become hard. They could look take a lot of punches and leg drops I would have thought and I'm not sure you'd have the guts to gouge out its eyes.
Well now that i'm an orange belt in Shorinji kan jiujitsu, so long as it was muzzled and it's nails were trimmed I think I could give a male silver back gorilla a good run for it's money.

Of course I might have to fight dirty and make sure he didn't get a hold of me so that he could tear me limb from limb given his immense power :p
Megahurtz400 said:
Saw this in the archive and this satement by Tru had me in stitches for the whole of this morning:
"I once punched a cow full force in the face, it didn't even flinch and I mean nothing.

Just thought id start it again due to boredom and to make a change to the "Spec me a new tampon" threads.

So go on, what could you bring down?

Well thats just plan stupid to punch a cow in the head they're heads are well hard ! a quick punch in the stomach or rabbit punch to the kidneys work well !

Just watch out for them slying trying to kick you back !

I thought i'd got away with it once and the dirty heffer nearly broke me leg.
It was all blown up from eating too much and we where trying to burp it, not a pleasent experience at all ! we couldn't do the hose down its mouth thing, think it got stabbed in the end but not sure.

I think I could take him.
YorkshirePadd26 said:
Well thats just plan stupid to punch a cow in the head they're heads are well hard ! a quick punch in the stomach or rabbit punch to the kidneys work well !

Just watch out for them slying trying to kick you back !

I thought i'd got away with it once and the dirty heffer nearly broke me leg.
It was all blown up from eating too much and we where trying to burp it, not a pleasent experience at all ! we couldn't do the hose down its mouth thing, think it got stabbed in the end but not sure.


Hoses....stabbings.... :confused:
I suppose this is what it feels like to be a father...

My time off on the sick has left me watching a lot of daytime my exposure to Animal Park has taught me a lot.

if I weren't nursing a dodgy back, I reckon I could take on a tapir or sealion...possibly a four meerkat tag team and definitely ben fogle.

I've been watching the foxes that live under my shed. I reckon I could take on one of them. In fact I may have to when their pups have grown up enough for me to claim my shed back and fill their den in.
Well you know that 50 ton whale in the other thread that was caught and killed, well............................... ;)
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