thread vent my anger and worry.

23 Feb 2006
hiya ppl sorry for a useless thread needed to vent some stuff though and mods are welcome to delete.

anyway on tuesday my dad got bit by some women during work drew som blood but nothing serious didnt need stitches or anything. so figured the women might get done for assualt because she also stabbed one of his colleagues. my dad was trying to stop her as she ran off .got a phone call from police yesterday turns out the woman was hiv positive and had hepititous (cant spell it but you get the idea) she's not gonna get charged and his works not even going to give him compensation. so tad worried to be honest. :(
he's a bus controller the police were involved straight away their the ones that called him the day after to let him know the woman who bit him was hiv positive. she's being sectioned rather than charged. he's already been hospitals and there doing tests.
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UKDTweak said:
OMG, hope he is ok mate.

Surley being bitten by someone who is HIV+ is like being attacked with a deadly weapon?

Unless she has dental problem. E.g bleeding gum.
Sickos in this world.

one the guys im in a band with is a police man, he said when they are on patrol, and have to search a drug addict, the ones who know they are HIV Positive, cary syringes pointing upwards in there pocket, so when being searched the police man is in risk of getting needled.

The chances of contracting HIV from a bite are fairly minimal unless she had an open wound in her mouth and/or bleeding gums.


Human Bite:

In 1997, CDC published findings from a state health department investigation of an incident that suggested blood-to-blood transmission of HIV by a human bite. There have been other rare reports in the medical literature in which HIV appeared to have been transmitted by a bite. Severe trauma with extensive tissue tearing and damage and presence of blood were reported in each of these instances. Biting is not a common way of transmitting HIV. In fact, there are numerous reports of bites that did not result in HIV infection.

Hepatitis on the other hand has a much higher possibility for infection to be passed on through saliva and is fairly serious.

I believe being educated in this sort of thing helps a bit and this site is about as comprehensive as they get -

I'm really sorry to hear about you dad going through this, I can only imagine how scary it must be.
thanks steve i'll have a read through those links u posted. neoni some ppl just dont deserve to be alive i can't beleive that .

thanks for you support means a lot to have some one i can vent to.
dustiestrat said:
thanks steve i'll have a read through those links u posted. neoni some ppl just dont deserve to be alive i can't beleive that .

thanks for you support means a lot to have some one i can vent to.

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hiya just awaken old thread i started a while back becasue finally got up date my dad had to wait 5 month for the tests to be done aparently i dunno why seems a bit ridiculous to me. anyway my dad got all clear for aids we're just waiting for results of hepatitus now :D
hiya just awaken old thread i started a while back becasue finally got up date my dad had to wait 5 month for the tests to be done aparently i dunno why seems a bit ridiculous to me. anyway my dad got all clear for aids we're just waiting for results of hepatitus now :D

Excellent news. Lets hope he's clear for hepatitus as well. :)
Phew, that's good to hear. I read this when it was first opened, and I was shocked for you and your dad. I hope the hepatitus test comes back all clear as well.
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