Three - Galaxy S4 - No mobile broadband

15 Dec 2002
In a cowfield, London, UK
Had the same problem on the way to work - when I actually needed the data connection to read important emails. I was not impressed at all and it reenforces my will to leave these guys just 4 months after I joined them.
14 Dec 2007
Had the same problem on the way to work - when I actually needed the data connection to read important emails. I was not impressed at all and it reenforces my will to leave these guys just 4 months after I joined them.

Guessing you may be on a 24 month contract? Good luck leaving as only way will be paying off rest of contract and even then they'll not make it easy :mad: I'm on an Ultimate Internet 500 and within the first week wanted to move to the One Plan to include tethering. NO CHANCE! You've signed and that's it. I was probably within cooling off period but life seemed too short to argue the toss with them :(

'Tis a pain when you lose connection I'll agree. Despite warnings from family members not to sign with Three ... I did :eek: Warning was over their customer support of course. Well been with them a year and yesterday was maybe the 2nd time their actual service has gone down. Did lose data for an hour or two a few months back which I think was a local problem. Apart from yesterday they've been pretty good. I did have some phone related signal reception issues where I live but after a little bit of dealing with support in their local store, sorted the issue myself. If you can keep away from support their coverage (in my area), speed and price plans are hard to beat. Plainly I've not been everywhere in the UK and no doubt there are areas where their coverage is poor. Where I live out in the sticks they have the best and fastest service - though not customer service of course :rolleyes: That said I was with T-Mobile prior to Three and their customer service was less than helpful towards end of contract and part of why I looked elsewhere.
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