Thunderfly Dell issue

4 Aug 2007
Wilds of suffolk
Couple of years ago I had a thunderfly wander down the front of my screen at work. I mean inside the LCD not outside lol.

I have the same damn thing at home. Its been there prob 6+ months now, I was kinda hoping it woudl depart on its own sooner or later but it hasn't.

So any ideas for dislodging it. Its a 24" dell so its not exactly light to mess about with.

Is it safe to take one of these monitors to bits?
Will I even get to the fly at all or would that bit be sealed? (Obviously not 100% sealed or the little ****er wouldnt have got in there in the first place)

Is it a valid RMA. (Monitor was for OCUK and is still in warranty, but I havent got the box and therefore the works number)

Its just started annoying me as I have changed the setup of my monitor to improve my posture and its for some reason a lot more obvious from this angle.

Any ideas etc appreciated :)
My monitor had 3 and after a few days I was able to flick at the screen to make them drop out of sight. Be careful if you do decide to flick at the screen as too much force could damage it. The trick is to flick at the screen either above or below or to the side of the dead fly kinda like a shake is occuring beside it which should be enough for it to fall out of sight.
thunder-bugs as i know them are attracted to light colours so if you wear a white t-shirt during their active period you may get some attached to you:D

they are really tiny and just look like little black dots:D

i had 2 stuck in my laptop screen years ago although i couldnt see how the blighters got inside...i know they are very thin but i thought a laptop screen was sealed:confused:

not sure if they are removable once dead and have never heard of an rma because of a thunderbug although if you have a non dead pixel policy with dell you could try saying its a dead pixel:D:D:D:D:D i didnt say that ok..;)

completly harmless and non productive (another of gods crazy ideas up there with horseflies, sloath, duck billed platipus:D oh and that cliff..oops)
You can seperate the layers of the panel (the backlight, diffuser and actual LCD panel). Get some soft gloves and give it a go.
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