Time for an upgrade please help spec a bundle

Id love to learn a lot more as well like you say i have gained a wealth of knowledge from vids and on here as there are some knowledgeable people on here.
Even down to this issue i had and the help of @orbitalwalsh getting around simple tasks that i spent hours googling.
Hey guys just a quick one i have had nothing but trouble with this.
RMA'd it all but aparently its fine however they never asked for the ram back to test, their conclusion was "it must be the ram"
I purchased a new pair of ram then returning the origional ram back for a refund.
Tried the ram and im getting the same crap constant freezing crashing.

So i though id look at the ram compatibliity on teamgroup and gigaybts site.
The ram i selecte di nthe bundle was:
I seleceted the Team Group Dark Pro " Edition" 16GB (2x8GB) DDR4 ram
but that ram is not supported according to gigabyte and team groups's website?

Before i tear ocu down am i being an idiot here?
Ram yes 3200
Just re installed win 10 and now trying to get the win 10 latest build update in but its taking around 3 hours so far with all sorts of freezing and bcod's i know from last time i need to get the update in then system goes a tad more stable.
oh the fun haha.
using the update assistant tool i downlaoded from microsoft, think thats what i used lastime.
Or the only way i know of doing it anyway.
just cant believe the crud if had with this, never had these issues before.
As i type this pc crashes again im getting 1% further after each crash lol now on 79% might take several more hours yet.
Didn't want to play assasins creed anyway.
ah ok i see just creating this now.
I hope for my welbeing this all work well after, if not ill be shipping my whole pc off to ocuk to look at lol.
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