Time for upgrade. Spec me some HDDS!

27 Mar 2004
Howdy people.

Right well I want to do a nice fresh install of windows... but I don't. I can't be assed with the hassle of installing programs, drivers again to know that I would have done something wrong in the custom install (nLite) and then messing around for days trying to perfect it. All this time I am left with no fully working PC.

So I thought why not buy some HDDs and then I can always switch back to my other HDD when I want to browse the net. This would only be temporary but I am thinking of moving over the X64 so it would make life easier.

At the moment I have a 74GB Raptor and a 250GB WD. The raptor is starting to wizz me off as I have just acquired 8 MB ADSL (been on 64k for 3 years) and I have been leaving my PC on. Only to be woken up at 3:00 AM by the sound of my raptor randomly grinding away. It sucks because it's a great speedy little thing but the sound... it's just to loud.

So what I thought I would do would be to buy a couple of 320GB HDD's and have them in...(trys to remember collage) RAID.... the one where it copies data to both drives... RAID 1 I think. These will be my windows and apps drives. Have the 250 GB HDD I have in my PC as a data drive. Videos etc... and the 74GB Raptor to put games on and anything which would use the performance boost.

Then to finish it off nicely have a MY Book 250GB to backup anything which could do with being backed up.

Humm.. perhaps it would be pointless to have the RAID setup then...

Your thoughts

EDIT:: Just a quick Q. Is SATA 2 back compatible with SATA 1 mobos?
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SATA II is supposed to be backwards compatible but occasionally there are some issues, maybe check to see if the proposed drives are noted to have any issues with your motherboard.

Raid1 offers a measure of security but it does also mean that you are effectively paying twice for the same storage space.

The drives I'd recommend are Seagate 7200.10s, not far off the Raptors in terms of speed but should be quieter and you get way more storage for the money.
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