
OK back at home. Been really sick, so have been gone over a week.


I'm playing with something. Smoke and mirrors..

The bottom is now complete, with magnetic dust filter and all put back together.


Bottom panels are back on.


And have started connecting up the board.

Two hubbys fitted as well as both RGB controllers. However, there is a problem. I can not mount the Farbwerk or Poweradjust and Splitty there. I need to put them in the bottom.


I've done far more than that, but there is no light now. I found out that the USB slide cover was actually broken, so spent two hours fixing that. I also wrapped every last wire for the case too. Very good progress, actually really enjoying this bit as it's a bit of a challenge. Ordered more SATA runs (Alchemy) and lots of fan extensions etc so I don't get caught short (literally).

More soon :)
Ugh, didn't go bed til 3am lol. Even when I was in bed I got up again to hunt through the wardrobe for cables. I found some too hahaha.

So as I said I sorted out the clock. Basically what I did was cut the hole to the exact OD of the clock, then pull some masking tape tight across the front, lay the clock in it (level with the front) then bead glue it down the sides from behind. Then I just cut a nice clean black edging to sit under the mirror (if I ever get a reply on that ffs)


Most of the front is now done, including wrapping all of the wiring for it. Somehow I missed it.


It turned out that this was broken. I wondered why the flap had been staying down. A spring had pulled through the plastic that was supposed to support it so I had to take it off of the vents, take it all apart, plastic weld back the plastic that had cracked and then cut a slither of supporting plastic from black acrylic and weld that on. Leave it an hour to sit, then put it all back together.


But it is working better than ever now. Wrapped the wires for that panel too.


Then modified the hard drive carriers to be benign so that I can use two drives in one (remember, all SSD no spinners) I may have also done an absolute crap load of wiring too.


Fitted the rear fan, with one of my custom BP decals. I like it.


OK then I hit a snag. This was around 11:30 last night. When looking closely at the SATA run (the only one with the PSU) I noticed one of the plastic housings on the plug was broken. I did manage to fix it using an old SATA plug I bought, but it doesn't work 100% as it is ever so slightly different. So at midnight I went through a box of wiring, found a SATA run, grabbed those pins and plugs that arrived with the PSU and set to work. As you can see (there's one hanging over the side in black) I have now made one. I also found another in the wardrobe @ 3am lmao. I will get onto that later, though I feel like I have been hit by a truck today. I also need to trim some of the case panel away (the very front one) as it's stopping the pump sitting properly.
Are you wanting to work with glass mirror, or mirrored perspex?

It's 2 way mirror acrylic mate. When light is shone on it it becomes transparent, then turns into a full mirror when no light. A few guys on Youtube have made "smart mirrors" using the same stuff with a monitor and a Rasp Pi. Not seen it used in a mod yet, though that is not why I want to use it. I bought a sample, she says contact her with my order. I do so and she seems to be ignoring me (maybe it's not the 10,000 pieces she thought it would be? IDK). There are others selling it cut to size, so I'm sure it will get done before the build is complete :)
Mirror and see through is not acrylic. It is perspex, and it is made up differently to coloured acrylic. Like you I found that out the hard way. When you use alcohol on perspex it hairline cracks.. It's also a sod to cut, as instead of turning to powder it merely melts along the edge. So yeah, I wasn't planning on welding buddy. I was going to put the black outer frame (3mm acrylic) down with glue, then set the mirror part in with bolts :)

More "werk".


Which was sent to a stencil then taken to the Dremel. Et Voila !


Note to self, when stuffing as much electronics into a build as you can it gets a bit tight.. Not only does the Farbwerk have to live there but so will the PA-3 and Splitty 9 (for the pump and fans etc).


Yes, it's very very dusty. I only stripped it all out about 2 months back, but cutting acylic is a sod. So it will need to be cleaned when removed. But yes, those two will live next to the Farbwerk. Hardly ideal, but then neither is putting them both in the side panel only to realise it won't close.

Confucious say man with 14 USB ports has a lot of USB.


I have only one more to run (to the PA-3) and hopefully that is all of them. It all goes back to a single USB that will go into the mobo.

My challenge of stuffing as much electronics as I can into this case continues..
From last night.


Yay, still works :D

Quick mock up. Now I was certain this would all fit (even with a PSU 20mm longer that I am not using) but it's always a bit windy lol.


Seems to fit OK. I do need to be mindful of what I am stuffing underneath it, though.


Unfortunately the fan extensions and SATA cables are going to my mother's house, as I forgot to change the delivery address back. Mind you, there is lots I can do before that. I have also ordered a whole load of bolts from Ebay and my pal is making me the stand offs I need. So yeah, won't be done this week. Not that I would want it to really. I would rather have time to think about my next move, rather than just rushing through it. I know I am probably going to need some shorter RGB extensions too.

Oh, and if I didn't say it already I officially hate RGB connectors. 4 very thin pins, what could go wrong?
Quick status update.



And the other side.


Needing parts now so won't get those 'til the weekend. Has been a good week for modding though :)

Ignore the upside down Bitspower logo. There was nothing I could do about it, and besides it gets fully covered by the top.
It's super annoying (the logo). You would think they would think about every orientation before putting them on. There's just no way to get it the right way around, though. Even if I flip the rad the logo is still printed on upside down on the other side. You'd think they would put it on both ways so you could get it right?

Ah well, probably a good thing you won't be able to see it then.
Quick update. I am going to need a rig for when I am doing the final part of the build. I have an old board that apparently works, and I've ordered a Pentium for it (Ivy). That will then become a server/NAS. I need the CPU and cooler, then I can begin the strip out of the Triad.

I also needed more cabling (now got) to finish wiring up the fans and then the hard drives. I will probably get back to work on Monday..

Any way, in the mean time I got this.


Basically the PA3 works great, but the way I have it set up everything gets the same voltage. So that means even if my fans are silent at 12v I need to run them at 7 if I want to run the pump at 7. So I decided to get that ^ as it was on special for £29. Delivered.

At that price I have no qualms about just literally using it alone to run the pump separately.

I'm also waiting on the laser cut acrylic I ordered so I can finish and fit the front panel. Hopefully that (or a red "we missed you" note) will be waiting for me when I get home.

B grade, but so was my Hubby and some other bits. It only needs to run the pump (with the alarm, I like that a lot) so I didn't bother with the heatsink.

This build would not exist without OCUK. Seriously they are bloody excellent.
Got home last night thinking I would be met with either some goodies or red cards from the post office. Nada.


About all I can do for today is make up two molex runs.. They were splitter runs but I had a think earlier and the SATA runs (well, two of them) are molex - SATA. I did not want to overload the single molex run I had with splitters so I took the pins and connectors that came with the PSU and made two more red runs up.

Oh, and tested them obs (hence the meter there).

That's about all I can do today, aside from making the pump cover which I will crack on with later no doubt.
I haz live testbed !


Enormous thanks to Cenedd (G) for donating it after mine was DOA.

Now I need to test a few things and get them bios updated before moving on with the build.
Right update time. So after playing with the test bed and testing the Aquaero (it tested out lovely, doesn't look used at all) I moved the test bed into the case. Why? well basically there is so much going on in there that I started to worry about it. Like, so much wiring, so many connections and wire paths etc. I wanted to make sure my wiring was sound before I went any further, so in the test bed goes.


First signs were good. RGB (via the Farbwerk, not connected to USB yet) was alive and so was the case panels. I breathed a big sigh of relief when it started cycling colours.



We're half way there.. Next I connected the single USB wire to the mobo. Now if I have done my job properly everything should connect once that is installed as it runs to two hubs.


OK so I tested the case USBs (working) the SATA power (working obs) and everything else. Played with the Farbwerk and then moved onto the ACC



I also tested the screen power cable etc. It wasn't doing anything before, turns out the Hubbys do not output power until they receive a signal from the board. That was really playing hard on my mind, but it all works as it should.


Next thing to do is order a 120gb SSD and clone the OS over, before fitting the test bed into the Triad build. Once that is done and I have a PC I can then start building into the new build next week. I am going to take the weekend off, as too much of it fries my brain (it's just been wiring after wiring after wiring). The only few jobs I have left to do are make a panel to mount the AE on (which I have tested and know is working 100% also, another weight off) and then fit the PA3 and splitty and wire up all of the fans. Which also need to be tested, and then labelled so I know exactly what channel they are on.

I found out earlier they are 1900RPM and man, they do hum some air out. So there is absolutely no chance I am running them all at full steam.
Oh also, for the guy that bought the same clock kit (if you didn't figure it out) the -numberhere- is the day of the week. It goes from -1- to -7- and changes every 24 hours :) I suppose there was no way to make it display like, MON TUE WED etc so they went with that. So that's pretty much all of it figured out (god bless Engrish manual).
OK so this is the bit where it all becomes a bit "super car". I will explain what I mean by that. Basically supercars now are made of a mono structure and stuck together so that you can't really do much if they break. Well my AE is going to be the same. If you look at the Farbwerk board here (the small white one) you will see where it resides.


Now the idea here is to stick the AE exactly opposite. The problem is that whilst I can easily get it in there I will have to do so by touch. Once it is stuck in it will be inaccessible. So what to do? well, basically glue on cables and then label them. So whilst there will be no way to see it or get to it I can still connect/remove things from it. I am going to glue on the extensions so that they do not get pulled out accidentally (because like I said no way to see the sockets or access them*) and do it that way. Out of sight etc.

So the first job today was making a mounting panel. I won't bore you with all the details.


So that was that done. Next step draw up labels and make some blanks for anything else I want to label.


All about as interesting as watching paint dry, but alas must be done. I have nearly finished that now.


OK, so I know I said I was only going to use it for the pump. But the thing is the 92mm rear fan and 80mm fan I will be hoping to fit to cool the boards and electronics will not have the same profile when it comes to voltage and noise to voltage. They may need to be driven harder or softer. So the idea now is to use the PA3 to control all 4 of the 120mm fans, and then the AE will be in charge of the pump, 92mm rear fan and 80mm floor fan.

I am going to apply glue later (it's like wet hot glue and can be removed if I wish) and then leave that to set.
Plastic finally arrived. In totally the wrong size, and using an offcut with a clear line through the mirror.


Yes I am annoyed. Very. However it has taken so long (two weeks) that I really can't stall the front any more. So I did the best I could.


And spent about half an hour sanding the bottom to make it fit. It will have to do. I do need to block the light from behind, though, as it becomes a little too transparent.


I am happy enough with it, I guess. I really can't get all bummed out about it because that will spiral and I will just bail on it.

Let's hope the soldering and etc goes a little better.
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