Time to clean my sensor :(

Eclipse fluid, I use a dust aid wand kit with pec pads. It took me a long time the first time as I was worried. When you realise how quick and easy it is you won't pay again.

I am meaning to get a lens cleaning loupe as well to help the poor old eyes see the sensor better :)

Thank you, I may look in the Jessops shop and have a look at what they have :) I do have a kit with a rubber blower, some swabs and lint free cloth. Plus I have the precise fluid whatever its called.
Thank you, I may look in the Jessops shop and have a look at what they have :) I do have a kit with a rubber blower, some swabs and lint free cloth. Plus I have the precise fluid whatever its called.

I only use a rocket blower to blow specs off my front or rear element of the lens before giving it a brush. Don't bother blowing at the sensor to clean it. You just keep moving it around, some people have success trying dry cleaning methods but I haven't.

I've tended to buy my cleaning stuff from crooked imaging...


As I said the first time you buy the stuff it's about a £40 outlay about the same as a sensor clean in a shop. The difference being you now have enough for 30 cleans. I now never bother with a dry clean, I just go straight for a wet clean :)

The dust aid dust wand kit comes with some fluid but I also bought some Eclipse fluid for lens cleaning and some pec pads. You can though just get away with the wet kit on its own and use a similar system to the link ray provided.
Il also add, the dark spots are in the exact place in every picture.

Yeah when I'm done I take another picture of a blank piece of paper to see if I have removed all the bits. If not I memorize the position and give another wipe. Rinse and repeat until I'm happy :)
I think the 350D might have been a bit of a hoover when it comes to dust, perhaps in part due to the construction. I've taken more pictures with later Canon DSLRs and never had anything like the number of dust spots that cropped up on my 350D.
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