Tip on creating a social media strategy for a car dealership

1 Nov 2008
Hey all,

I've been asked to take over the running of the Facebook page for a car dealership. In addition to that I figure I should also create a twitter account for them and make use of any additional relevant social media sites that could help to promote the company.

I was wondering if anyone had any tips ways to best utilise and run a company Facebook page in it's current timeline format, as I haven't used Facebook a lot recently and I know a lot of changes have been rolled out.

I'll do the obvious of course, such as creating a professional looking cover photo, user avatar etc. But what about posting content and frequency, competitions etc?

It seems that Facebook have made some changes whereby you can share photos from other users even if you're not friends with them, is this what companies are doing now to run competitions? Creating graphics to share and offering entry into a competition for those who like and share it?

Also, does anyone have any tips or know of any good articles I can check out about creating and running a more broad social media campaign integrating other sites too?

Just a small one, but your page can be shut down if you get users to 'Like' your page for a competition.
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Hmm....that's interesting, I didn't realise that. I swear I saw an OcUK competition a last year that incorporated that. You ever hear of a page actually being shut down as a result?
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I don't think anyone has ever been shut down for doing so but it is against the terms of use on Facebook to run a competition in that way. I think only big brands would ever fall foul of doing something like that, and even then I would bet it would be a slap on the wrist and being told not to do it again.
Being shut down for making users 'like' a page before entering a competition.
I've built several Facebook Competitions for large companies where we have done this.
Hmm...I've just seen another competition on Facebook whereby the competition image is requested to be shared and liked in order to enter, which essentially creates 'advertisement' notifications in other users news feeds

However they don't request that the company page is liked. I wonder if that's one way around it.
Hmm...I've just seen another competition on Facebook whereby the competition image is requested to be shared and liked in order to enter, which essentially creates 'advertisement' notifications in other users news feeds

However they don't request that the company page is liked. I wonder if that's one way around it.

Nope that's not allowed either. Using any native Facebook functionality as an entry mechanic is not allowed. If you want to create a competition you have to create an application to do so.


iii. You must not condition registration or entry upon the user taking any action using any Facebook features or functionality other than liking a Page, checking in to a Place, or connecting to your app. For example, you must not condition registration or entry upon the user liking a Wall post, or commenting or uploading a photo on a Wall.
iv. You must not use Facebook features or functionality as a promotion’s registration or entry mechanism. For example, the act of liking a Page or checking in to a Place cannot automatically register or enter a promotion participant.
v. You must not use Facebook features or functionality, such as the Like button, as a voting mechanism for a promotion.
vi. You must not notify winners through Facebook, such as through Facebook messages, chat, or posts on profiles (timelines) or Pages.

However it is rarely enforced, as far as I have seen. Although I have been asked to remove an application from Facebook before, I was working on behalf of a major UK brand and we have unknowingly contravened with one of Facebook's T&Cs. We had to rebuild the application within 48 hours or risk it being removed.
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I would imagine you could probably 'ask' people to share the image, not for a prize, but put a link on the image or in the description of the image. I think I remember one of our graphics designers saying that was ok...
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