"Titan Accelerator" Problems Should I Return?

13 Dec 2008
Hi everyone first post. Just like to start by saying hello.

Ok so i ordered a "titan accelerator" on monday.I ordered this when it was on the "this week only". It arrived yesterday and i got it out today. Imagine my shock before i'd even turned it on when there was no arctic cooler in there just the stock intel fan. And they have changed the power supply to the corsair vx450 now to be honest this is prob a better power supply than the stealthstream 500w so wasn't too bothered there.
The case fans either aren't plugged in or don't work. (i've not really got much clue about pc inards so don't know the problem there)

And to top it all off the pc won't even start it just keeps on BSODing.
I got into the bios and noticed that the fsb is 333 which by my calculations is
2.99. I thought it was supposed to be 3+.(Should be with an arctic)

I bought this before they changed the parts over to the vx450 and no cooler.

Should i just send this straight back or shall i try get it working?

No matter what i'll defo be on the phone tomorrow.
I've packaged the case in all its original packaging and its ready to go back.

Any advice anyone?

13 Dec 2008
Hi there, Sorry to hear that your system isn't as you wanted, Give us a call on the system support line and we should be able to fix any problems,
That may of been an error in the build which resulted in not being fitted with the artic cooler, which I can send out to you if you feel ok to fit this yourself.

Hi Tizor thanks for the reply, I've never did it before so wouldn't be very confident in fitting it myself.
Could the system be BSODing because the case fans aren't working/plugged in?
Would returning the system be at a cost to me? and what would the timeline be roughly for getting it back.

13 Dec 2008
I can't get through to support at all this morning. They must be very busy or know i'm calling and put the phone off the hook LOL.

EDIT: Just got through they collecting it today. Thanks for your help guys.
Last edited:
13 Dec 2008
Ok everyone while this is off getting sorted i was thinking of ordering some extra bits to add to it for when it comes back.

I was thinking of adding a couple of intake fans to the front of the antec 300 case. And also adding a spare dvd rewriter i have in my old system.

So before i order just wanted some advice.

How much would my system benefit from adding a couple of these to the front of the case?

Sharkoon Silent Eagle 1000 120mm Fan - 3/4 Pin.

And also would they help me to maybe get a little more overclock out of it?


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