TJ08 watercooled build....

1 Jan 2012
Scottish Borders - UK
After completing the Prodigy water cooled build I decided I needed at least a MATX board so I could go SLI in the near future.

So out with the old and in with the new.....

1 x Asus Z77 Maximus V Gene Intel Z77 (Socket 1155) DDR3 Motherboard ** Free ROG 16GB USB ** £149.99
1 x Silverstone TemJin TJ08B-E Midi Tower Case - Black (SST-TJ08B-E USB 3.0) £80.99
1 x XSPC D5 Dual Bay Reservoir £49.99
1 x XSPC HighFlex Hose 1/2" ID, 3/4" OD, 19/12.7mm, 2m, Clear £6.98
Total : £287.95 (includes shipping : FREE).

The parts should be with me tomorrow and then I can get started. I like the prodigy and the size of it. Hence why I didn't want a full tower again.

Stay tuned....
Bro i got mine today :D:D

MY Ax850 is off for replacement so im using the Tx750.

I am also considering what water parts to order :P Good timeing hehe this is what ive done so far btw the case is amazing with air flow and cable managment. The Air penetrator has a slight buzz to it but barely noticable it is very good for only 2 fans.

Nice mate!! Mine will be here tomorrow.

Hoping my phobya 200 rad will be here also.

How audible is the front fan? TBH the corsair fans also have a slight noise when voltage reduced (well with the recon they did).

Just hoping I have enough wc connectors and don't need to wait on more coming.

Decided to use my existing ones rather than spend £30 or so on new ones.

Edit - if my rad doesn't appear tomorrow I may just get some better quality connectors!! Lol
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Nice mate!! Mine will be here tomorrow.

Hoping my phobya 200 rad will be here also.

How audible is the front fan? TBH the corsair fans also have a slight noise when voltage reduced (well with the recon they did).

Just hoping I have enough wc connectors and don't need to wait on more coming.

Decided to use my existing ones rather than spend £30 or so on new ones.

Edit - if my rad doesn't appear tomorrow I may just get some better quality connectors!! Lol

Haha well if you put it on high well it can sound like a vortex but its literally because you only have a 120 as an outlet haha good pressure and all that.

Its just a low buzz like a light airplane but very very low. Its just the nature of the actual fan itself it pushes a lot OF AIR even on low! On high well its just LOL you know a bit loud but thats to be expected.

Connected to some sort of fan controler how ever which can modulare the RPMS and your golden.

Yeah this case will look MEGA neat with some nice braided cables i didnt put a gazzilion hours worth of effort into my cable managment and it looks amazing enough.

Even with the shoddy cables.
Isnt there other 180mm fans you can replace it with if its buzzing? I think phobya make 180mm fans not sure about others though.
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Yeah and a 200 fan might

Arrived today -

Bay Res
Phobya Rad

Waiting on -
EK black compression fittings
EK black 45deg Bends

I should make a start tonight. :)
Going well so far.

Front rad in mounted the correct way up. I've seen so many with the rads mounted with connectors on the bottom for the phobyas.

Mobo in, PSU in, bay res in and looks amazing. Perfectly matches the case!

Rear rad will be mounted upside down or it fouls the Gfx card.
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The carnage of taking previous build apart.

Taking old build apart took forever!!!




Apologies for duff pictures!! Wife has sold her DSLR!! Lol.

More pics to come tomorrow. Hopefully I'll get it finished.
That front fan is loud on full pelt!! Lol

Currently running it and the rear fan at 7v. But I have the front fan on low setting when connected at 7v so no idea what voltage it's running at, but it's quiet now!!

Will see how temps are like that. Fine at 7v on high setting also, but the quieter the better!!


Leak testing while I watch some tellybox!!!

Thought on the case - great case!! Not as easy to build in compared with others as everything is screwed in place. No easy clip off parts!

So far so good!
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